We are pleased to let you know that the parent questionnaires were really positive. Thank you for your ongoing support. The good news is that 98% of you agree or strongly agree that your child(ren) is happy at school, 98% of you agree or strongly agree that you are kept well-informed about what your child(ren) is learning and 96% of you agree or strongly agree that the school has high expectations for your child(ren).
There are some areas for development though, as expected, and we will be working on those over the coming weeks and months. 24% of you don't think the children are getting the right amount of homework so we will be looking at what positive changes we can make to our arrangements for home learning and 14% disagree that the school runs enough after-school clubs. This will be more difficult as every teacher (& many support staff) already runs at least one club. I will investigate some external companies to see what else can be offered and come back to you with some ideas of cost.