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French for Year 4 (15th July)


To end the term, here are two puzzles about transport.  When you have solved them, see if you can write down  (without peeping!) the French for as many means of transport as you can think of.  Don't forget that there is one French word for a means of transport that means a completely different means of transport in English!)



Bonnes vacances!   

French for Year 4 (8th July)


To do this worksheet 'Finding Words' you will need to remind yourself of the French transport vocabulary you learnt last week. 

I will give you a clue!  The answer to the question 'The type of transport I have discovered' is one of the eight words on last week's worksheet. 

Bonne chance!   

French for Year 4 (1st July)


We are going to end the term with a new topic 'Le Transport'.  Can you match the French words to the pictures on the worksheet?  This is not too difficult as you can also see the English words, but be careful with the trains!  Say the French words out loud and see if you can learn how to spell them.   


Which French nouns are the same as English ones? 

Which ones are nearly the same as English ones?

In English we have the word 'velodrome'.  Which sporting event takes place in a velodrome?  

French for Year 4 (24th June)


Here is a worksheet where you follow on the map the directions and then draw in the building mentioned on each of the five dots.  It might help you to look back at the words of the song 'Le port, le port' which we looked at on 12th June.  The little map on that song will remind you of the French for 'First on the left' etc.   

French for Year 4 (17th June)


Here is song on You Tube about all the places a French child passes on the way to school.  Can you work out what they all are?  The pictures make this quite easy but can you remember the French names for the places?

Can you spell them?

Can you work out what is the French for 'there is'?

What do these words mean: devant, derrière, en face de?  Clue: they are all prepositions!

You might need to watch the clip more than once!


Here is a short film showing Ben, an English boy, talking to his French friends on his laptop.  (It's called Virtually There - France - Finding our way)  Don't worry if you don't understand all the French the first time as Ben will explain in English as he goes along.  I love this clip as it shows you what a French town really looks like! 

French for Year 4 (10th June)


Here are the words of the song 'Le port. le port, c'est loin?' Can you name the four places that the person is asking the way to?  If you look at the map, you will see what the directions to those places are. 

 Here is a link to the song.  Can you sing along with it?  It's fun but it goes quite fast!  Can you keep up?

French for Year 4 (4th June)


Can you ask the way in French by replacing the dots with a place in the town?  (As we are very keen on good manners at KPA, try to remember to say 'Please' in French)      

Can you read the directions out loud?  (You could make it sound like a rap if you like)  Notice that there are two ways of saying 'Go straight ahead'. 

French for Year 4 (27th May)


Here is a worksheet with not much writing for you to do, half of which is in English, as it is Half Term after all!

Can you fill in the English meanings of the first six places in the town and then fill in the French meanings of the next six?  Looking at your work in the last few weeks should make this easier.  

French for Year 4 (20th May)


Here is a song about places in a French town.  Unfortunately it's not on YouTube so you could make up your own tune!  (It should sound like a marching song!) 

Which French nouns are the same as English ones? 

Which ones are nearly the same as English ones? 

Which ones are so different that you might have to look them up as they are too hard to guess? 


Tricky question!  Why in the third line is there an <l'> before <hôtel>  even though 'h' is not one of the five vowels (a, e, i, o, u)?


Charles de Gaulle is shown to the left of the song.  In the picture at the top you can see him meeting other world leaders.  Can you name the famous man on the right, sitting to the left of Charles de Gaulle?  (An older member of your family might be able to help you with this!)  


French for Year 4 (13th May)

Bonjour!  A new topic for revision today!  La ville = The town 

Can you put the numbers on the right place in the town plan to match the vocabulary?  (Use a bright colour when you do this please)  This is not too hard as the English meaning is provided.

Which French nouns are the same as English ones? 

Which ones are nearly the same as English ones? 

Which ones are so different that you might have to look them up as they are too hard to guess? 

Can you remember the words if you cover them up one by one? 

Can you remember which ones are 'le' and which are 'la'? 

Why are six of them <l'>?  

French for Year 4 (6th May)


Looking at the worksheet can you write seven sentences in French about what you like to do or do not like to do on each day of the week?  You need to take one item from each coloured column and to use your imagination.  (The sentences should make sense though!)  You will find that this will revise the work we did in the topic 'La ville' (The town)  Can you read your sentences out with different expressions?

French for Year 4 (29th April)

Bonjour!  Can you copy the French words underneath the right activity? Copy the words carefully! 

Try to learn the words by covering them up and concentrating on the picture.  Can you say the words?  Can you spell them?  (Don't forget to include the accents!)    


French for Year 4 (22nd April)

Bonjour!  Can you copy the French for each activity under the right picture?  Think about what the English names for each activity are.  Which French nouns are the same as English ones?  Which ones are nearly the same as English ones?  Which ones are so different that you might have to look them up as they are too hard to guess?  Can you remember the words if you cover them up one by one?    

French for Years 4, 5 and 6 (16th April)
French for Years 4, 5 and 6 (8th April)

French for Year 4 (1st April)


Look at the sheet of Easter vocabulary.  can you say the words out loud?  Can you remember the words if you cover them up one by one?  Can you spell any of the words without  looking at the sheet?


Quick quiz:

1.  Why do the French call April Fool's Day 'Poisson d'avril'?

2.  If a baby is born in France at Easter, what seasonal name might the parents choose for him/her?   

According to French folklore:

a) Why do church bells in France fly to Rome on Good Friday?

b) When they fly back to France what are they full of? 


Bonne chance!

French for Year 4 (25th March)