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Summer Term 2024 

Thursday 23rd May 2024
Beyond proud of the Year 6 cross-country team (guest starring a last minute Yr 5 stand in). We saw genuine grit, determination and teamwork. And we met Beth Tweddle!

Tuesday 16th April - What a great way to start the Summer term; a girls' football event and the very first of the Summer term! The Year 1 and Year 2 girls loved travelling in style in the school minibus to Hinchingbrooke school where they got to dress up as a princess or superhero and learn new some new football games! Well done girls, we're very proud of you!

Introducing the future footballers of the England team.⚽️

Spring Term 2024

Spring term has been another busy one for sports. Although the first half term has involved less trust competitions due to the colder weather, KS2 have made up for it in their fun-packed swimming lessons each week. KS1 children have been learning participating in weekly dance lessons and have enjoyed creating simple sequences of body movements. 


Towards the end of term, Years 5 and 6 have been competing in more competitions, all of which involved netball. We were lucky enough to be invited to Kimbolton Prep School again and the both year groups thoroughly enjoyed their afternoon, learning new skills whilst playing competitively against other schools. They also provided refreshments at the end!


The DLPT events have started again this half term and will continue through the Summer term. The first was a netball tournament on Monday 18th March. Despite their efforts, the team weren't victorious this time but their efforts and fantastic teamwork couldn't be matched. 


We look forward to a jam-packed Summer term full of wonderful sports events.



Autumn Term 2023

Wow, what a busy first term back to school we have had! The children have taken part in many competitions across different schools, involving a range of sports. They have worked extremely hard to compete as a team and although they haven't always been victorious, they have shown brilliant sportsmanship and resilience. Well done Team GS - I know you're looking forward to another busy term. 



Competition Winners - Dodgeball Event - Tuesday 3rd October

Sports Crew 2023

Summer Term 2022

Year 3 Trust Sports Event:

A big well done to all the Year 3s today at the trust sports event.

We competed against 5 schools in Athletics, Rounders and Netball. The children worked so hard, and really showed great determination and team work! We had lots of fun and to top it off, we came 2nd! Well done Year 3 :) 

Spring Term 2022

Mars Class



To finish our dance topic in P.E Mars class were taught a barn dance. Over the past week the children have really practised hard to remember the steps and stay in time with the other children. 

We hope you enjoy our dance.

Barn Dance

Still image for this video

Mars Class 



This term we are focusing on dance and using the different seasons as inspiration. This week we were inspired by spring in particular April showers. The children listened to ‘singing in the rain’ and identified the beat of the music. We discussed that it is important to keep to the beat. In pairs the children explored different ways of moving by walking, using arm and leg movements.
The children then had to create a dance in their pairs with 4 parts: walk, arms, legs, walk.

April showers dancing

Still image for this video

April showers dancing

Still image for this video




In PE, for gymnastics, we have been practicing balances and rolls (mainly forward). Mrs. Griffiths had the balance beam and crash mat out for us to roll on. This was especially fun because it was free choice; we could go on any of the equipment. I’m sure you’ll agree that everybody looks like they had fun!


By Mason

Autumn Term

Mars/Jupiter's Gymnastics


This Autumn term Mars and Jupiter have been learning about gymnastics with Mrs Marriott. 

They have had an amazing time learning about the importance of balance and position in gymnastics. They have had the chance to use a variety of equipment to explore balancing on.

It has even inspired many of our children to join a gymnastics club, we have some future gymnasts in our school!

Skipping Week 2021

Saturn class spent part of their PE lesson skipping for ten minutes.  This was a whole school activity that contributed to the National Skipping Week challenge that was set for us as a school.

Spring 2


HSSP Spring into Action Campaign: Monday 22nd February-Friday 26th March 2021

Hunts SSP are running a 'Spring in Action' Campaign this half term! The aim is to raise awareness of the importance of children getting a minimum of 60 minutes exercise every day and to promote the importance of reducing sedentary behaviour and breaking up screen time with short burst of activity.


We hope you will join the campaign and get active over the coming weeks! You can find information about each week's challenges on the links below:

Cricket East Live Sessions

Cricket East are running live cricket PE sessions every Wednesday!

This week’s session will be on Wednesday 24 February at 2-2.45PM and is called Skilful Scorer. It will support pupils to develop ball-striking techniques to support power and accuracy.

The activities can be completed indoors and to take part this week you will need:

  • A ball or a rolled up pair of socks

  • Something to strike with: a bat, a frying pan or a hardback book

  • 4 items to use as markers (cups, tubs, toilet rolls)

  • A target: a set of stumps or a rubbish bin

There will also be the opportunity to work with a partner but can be completed solo using a wall instead.

The session will be streamed on their YouTube channel: Subscribe to their channel to receive alerts when they go live!

Virtual Sports Day 2020

Get your trainers at the ready and take part in our Virtual Sports Day 2020! Details of each of the five activities are below on slides and you can also find them on Facebook and via your email. We are inviting the children to take part in an egg and spoon race, the tea towel hurdles, a standing long jump, shot put and an obstacle course.


When you have completed all the activities, with photo evidence, you can submit your evidence via Facebook or email to the school office! Make sure your entries are in by 4pm on Friday so that we can add up all the points and announce a winning house! Point will be awarded for participation!

Virtual Sports Day Guidance

Still image for this video
Gymnastics Club - Spring Term 
13/02/20 update

Students using the new trampette that arrived this week. Some pupils even managed to land a front somersault. The students have really enjoyed the new equipment that arrived this half term.

11.02.20 - Unfortunately, we had our last dance session with Mrs Litchfield this week. The children have thoroughly enjoyed these sessions on a Tuesday and this week we managed to finish our class dance on machines. The children worked independently, in pairs and in small groups to create a representation of a machine and they have learnt so much in such a short space of time. We were sad to say goodbye to Mrs Litchfield from HSSP but I’m sure she’ll be back again sometime soon!

Still image for this video

Machine Dance

Still image for this video

Spring Term 2020

Jupiter and Mars class are thoroughly enjoying their dance sessions with Hunts coach Mrs Litchfield. The children have been busy creating their own  dance sequences using the three forces: push, pull and twist. Over the furst few weeks, the children worked in pairs to decide how to perform each move before working with Mrs Litchfield to practise and perform a whole class machine dance. These sessions with Mrs Litchfield will take part every Tuesday until February half term.


Saturn class have been working with Mrs Griffiths to improve stamina and endurance through various methods of training. They have taken part in a a couple of gymnastics sessions since coming back after Christmas  and these will continue until Easter. In these sessions, pupils will be  trying to improve forward and backward rolls and different variations of them.


January 2020
The Sports Crew were set a task to write about their experience of being a member of the Sports Crew so far this year. Below are a few comments of what they have recorded so far...



So far in Sports Crew it has been such an experience, I have loved every second of it with challenges and rewards. Helping younger children and watching their skills grow makes me think how much I am helping and providing a fun energetic atmosphere for their future. Although it has been tricky at times, Mrs Leighton's sessions have helped by showing me that not much equipment or none at all is needed to create a 30 minute session that younger and older children enjoy. These sessions also helped with my explanation, games and all round enthusiasm with sports. All children love doing my sports and are always willing to join  in. They may not always listen but being a member of Sports Crew is a responsible role but enjoyable one too. 

                                                                                                  Tilly, Year 6



Being a member of Sports Crew is fun when you and your partner explain, demonstrate  and then everyone can join in. Sometimes it's hard to choose what we want to do  and sometimes it's tricky to agree but we work together to try both ideas out. My sessions with Mrs Leighton really helped to know that you don't need much equipment to make a session fun. During Sports  Crew time we sometimes do activities for just Key Stage two and Key Stage one. Being a part of the Sports Crew is a real honour! 


                                                                                              Megan, Year 6 


I love being a part of the Sports Crew and it is a lot of fun. At times it might be challenging because of managing lots of different children, I still manage to get through it. I always go through a little step by step system first and them give them a warning. I always tell them again and hopefully they have listened and understood the rules. I just love Sports Crew because I get to take on the role of the teacher and teach young children sport in a fun way. I am so grateful to Mrs Leighton as she has inspired me try new games and know that you don't need equipment for all games. So thank you Sports Crew, I can not wait for another adventure. 


                                                                                                                                  Hannah, Year 6


An exciting opportunity for the Christmas holidays - Bedford Blues are offering a one day Rugby camp on Monday 23rd December for just £30! Sharing incase anyone is interested smiley

Friday 1st November 2019
The Sports Crew had a great time this morning with Mrs Leighton from Hunts SSP. They worked on their sport leadership skills and created new games to use outside on the playground with the children at break times and lunch times. They each worked in their daily pairs/small group to demonstrate their ideas and received constructive feedback from their peers to suggest their areas of strength and the ways in which they could improve. It was great to see the children really thinking about how they could promote physical activity outside and I look forward to seeing many more children at GSPA getting involved! 


Well done Team! 

W.C. 28.10.19
Both Year 3 and Year 5 had a fantastic time playing team games at the DLPT sports event this week. All of the children demonstrated excellent teamwork and determination in their games of football, dodgeball and netball. The members of staff that went with both groups commented on the children's fantastic behaviour and it was fantastic to hear such positive feedback. Well done Team! smiley


We had two special visitors in celebration assembly this morning… Mr Finlayson and Mrs Bullimore. Mr Finlayson of the Hunts Schools came in two present two special awards. First, he presented the trophy to the children who competed in the panathlon event at the beginning of October. He commented on the fantastic effort from both the children at Great Staughton and KPA and was thrilled to present them with both the 1st and 2nd place certificates and trophy. Well done team!

Also, we were lucky enough to welcome back Mrs Bullimore this morning who, along with Mr Finlayson, presented the children with the GOLD level School Games Mark award for 2018-2019. The School games Mark is a government led awards scheme which rewards schools for their commitment to the development of sports in school and the community. Our wonderful sports crew accepted the award on behalf of the school. HUGE thanks to staff, parents and the wider community who support us, Mrs Bullimore for all her hard work last year and of course our amazing children. Well done team Great Staughton.


The rota for the Sports Crew started this week and they have been trying their best to get everyone active and involved in sport in some way during lunchtime and breaktimes. They will be working hard to help us all have active, fun lunchtimes by organising different activities to keep our minds and bodies busy. If you have any questions or suggestions please feel free to chat to any of the Sports Crew and they will be happy to help.

Panathlon Sports Competition- 3rd October 2019

KPA and GS entered a joint team into the Panathlon Hunts SSP sporting event on Thursday 3rd October. The children took part in a range of sports activities such as table cricket, boccia and curling. The children worked in two teams completing 7 minutes at each activity to gain as many points as they could. The atmosphere was very calm and the children were so focused. They showed fantastic teamwork, resilience and determination.....and they came first and second place!!

Here's some of the things the children said about the event:

'I've never got a medal before. I'm so proud I'm not even going to take it off for bed.'

'This is the best day of my life.'

'I want to come back next year. It's so much fun!'

'I don't know why I'm happy but I just love being here.'

'Lucky I got silver because I really like silver.'

A huge thank you to Hunts SSP for another well-organised and inspiring event!

Meet the Sports Crew 2019-2020

Our new Sports Crew for this academic year got together briefly on Monday to share some ideas of what they would like to achieve this year. The main aim of the Sports Crew is to get everyone active and involved in sport in some way. They will be working hard to help us all have active, fun lunchtimes by organising different activities. If you have any suggestions please feel free to chat to Emily, Imogen, Hannah, Katy, Ruby, Tilly, Braydon, Daniel, Rosie Megan or Thomas.  Brownie points for whoever can spot their first job from the picture! smiley


Oh, and of course Clark wanted to get involved too!

W.C. 09/09/19

Jupiter and Mars class had a brilliant PE lesson on Wednesday afternoon with Mrs Wisbey from Hunts SSP! They worked hard on their balancing skills during their first multi skills session!

**Watch this space... our new Sports Crew will be announced next week for this academic year. I'm excited to see who is up for leading some fantastic sports activities this year! 

16th July - Quad Kids level 2 event. What a super finale to a busy year of sport here at GSPA! I never fail to be surprised at the sheer determination and commitment of our children - very proud of you all.

5th July 2019 - We had an amazing School Games Morning last Friday! The children showed all of the Olympic and Paralympic values in bucketfulls - very proud of you all! The weather was perfect, music was great and the refreshments delicious - but of course, and most importantly, we all had fun! Thank you to everyone who came along to support and cheer our teams on. A special thank you to all of the children, staff and of course our wonderful sports crew who have worked so hard throughout the the year.

5th July 2019 - I am so excited and proud to announce that we have been awarded the GOLD School Games Mark Award 2018-2019, for the third year running! The School Games Mark is a government led awards scheme to reward schools for their commitment to the develpment of high quality sport and competition across their school and into the wider sporting community. Participation in this process allows schools to evaluate their PE provision and assists them in develping an action plan for the future. A HUGE thank you to all of our staff, parents, supporters and wider community clubs who work so hard to to ensure that our children are provided with the opportunities that they all deserve. Most of all I would like to thank the children who are always so enthusiastic, displaying the School Games Values, and make the most of the opportunities we offer. 🤩😄😁

27th June - Year 4 joined year 3 for the final DLPT event of the year! Our children competed very well over 3 events - cricket, rounders and athletics. The Olympic and Paralympic values, which we learnt about in our assembly on Tuesday, were evident in abundance. Looking forward to seeing these values being shown again at our School Games Day tomorrow. Very, very well done Years 3 and 4!

25th June - This afternoon the children spent time preparing for our School Games Day on Friday. During our assembly we looked at the Olympic and Paralympic Values, which compliments the Growth Mindset work that we do in school - presentation of the House Cup on Friday morning wil also be made to the house that has shown the most Olympic/Paralympic values. The children then spent the rest of the afternoon in their house teams, where they celebrated the 2019 Cricket World Cup, by looking in more detail at one of the participating countries, including the culture and sport of that country; they also made a house banner. Rehearsals for the Ribbons Club display are going well too😃

13th June, 2019 - Rain certainly did not stop play today! Morning break and Team Games club were very active! 😀

12th June 2019 - Mars and Jupiter Classes are looking forward to welcoming a coach from Cricket East to our school this afternoon. He will be working with the classes on Wednesday afternoons and they will be learning cricket based skills. Look out for more information and photographs of the sessions over the next few weeks.

10th June, 2019 - Quad Kids team: The Quad Kids event is at this present time, due to take place as planned tomorrow afternoon. Please ensure that your child has a waterproof coat and a change of clothes (hopefully we will not need these). If there are any changes/updates to the plans we will let you know as soon as possible. Many thanks.

9th June, 2019 - "Modern Athletic Competition For Our Youngest Athletes....." Such an exciting week ahead, with the Quad Kids Athletics match on Tuesday afternoon, when our team will be competing in Sprint, Distance, Throwing and Jumping events. Keep your fingers crossed for good weather. 🙂

Monday 20th May - Well done to our joint YR6 GSPA and KPA team who attended the DLPT sports event this morning at Winhills. They competed enthusiastically and very well in cricket, rounders and atheletics and were rewarded with 3rd place overall. Well done everyone!

Tuesday 14th May - Super weather, super venue, super event and super children at the Tri Golf Festival held in the grounds of Hinchingbrooke House today! Many thanks to Miss Conner and all of the parents who helped with transport and supported the team😊.

13th May - What a super evening for football! This was only the second session, run by St Neots Town Football Club, and already there are new skills on display. Some footballing superstars in the making ...

12th May -We are very much looking forward to the year 3/4 Tri Golf Festival on Tuesday 14th May at Hinchingbrooke School in the House grounds from 4:00 – 6:00pm. Just a gentle reminder, that permission slips should now be returned. If possible, it would be really helpful if you could transport your child to/from the event. If you are able to transport and have not indicated this on the reply slip, please let the school office know. Many thanks.

12th May 2019 - As promised, here are the results of last week's Primay Cross Country Relay Championships - Boys 101/136 and Girls 87/123. This is a fantastic result, considering the number of teams that entered in each category - we are also a very small school and many schools entered A,B and C teams. We are so very, very proud of our teams - well done team GSPA!

2nd May 2019 -So very proud of our cross country team! All of our children ran superb legs in the the 4 x 1200m Cambridgeshire Primary School's Cross Country Relay Championships this afternoon at Priory Park. Remarkably, the children seemed to have just as much energy once they had finished the race, but I suspect that they will sleep well tonight This event just gets bigger and better - this year saw the introduction of chipped relay batons to record accurate electronic timings - I will post results once we receive them. A big thank you to all of the parents who came and provided lots of vocal support and encouragement to our athletes - it was also lovely to see parents and former pupils of the school also came and cheered on our team.

30th April - Super weather for Outdoor Adventurous Activities (OAA) for Mars and Jupiter classes today. The high quality sessions are delivered by Miss Leighton as part of our HSSP subscription. Lots of smiles, fun and teamwork, whilst keeping active!

30th April - So proud of our High Fives netball team today, when they attended the Level 2 tournament at Longsands Academy! This was the first time that the team had played competitively and it was so lovely to see their confidence grow with each match. They acquired new skills and knowledge of the game as well as showing outstanding teamwork. Well Done! A huge thank you also, to the parents who offered transport and came along to support the team.

Monday 29th April - What an exciting week of sporting competition we have this week. Tomorrow (Tuesday), we will be taking a team of yr5/6 netballers to the Level 2 High Fives Netball Tournament at Longsands Academy. On Thursday our Cross Country team will be taking part in the Cambridgeshire Primary School's Cross Country Relay Championship, at Priory Park in St Neots. Good luck to all of our teams.
29th April - Our new football club, run by St Neots Town Football Club started after school today. The smiles on the children's faces, indicated that it was a great success! The coaches said that they had a fantastic time too!

5th April - Over the last half term, the children in Mars class have enjoyed Balanceability sessions with Miss Leighton from the Hunts Schools Sports Partnership. Balanceability is a nationally accredited programme designed to develop a child's co-ordinaation skills, whilst having fun on a balance bike. During their sessions, all the children have improved their balance, coordination and safety awareness, whilst negotiating obstacles. Miss Leighton and Mrs Hampson are very pround of the children, who were all presented with a certificate of achievement in our celebration assembley yesterday.

29th March 2019 - Our Cross Country Club have been working really hard this half term building core strength and stamina. Their hard work and committment is now starting to bring rewards, as they surprise themselves with how far they can now run. We are preparing for the Primary Schoools Cross Country Championships which is held at the beginning of May for Yr5/6 children. However, our main focus is for the children to increase their fitness and have fun! Very proud of everyone!

29th March 2019 - Over the last couple of weeks, we have been revamping our early morning playground activities. Activities include juggling, ribbons and the "squashing machine"! We have also introduced a "flash mob" dance to the Macarena, which is enjoyed by children and staff alike - it would be great to see parents joining in too. Taking part in physical activities before school, is not only beneficial to health and wellbeing, but also helps children settle, ready to learn.

Tuesday 12th March - It was such a pleasure to accompany our year 4 gymnasts to the Key Steps Gymnastics Competition, held at Huntingdon Olympic Gymnastics Club today. Determination, committment, teamwork and smiles were there in abundance today :) The event was attended by 29 teams over two sessions! Thank you to all of our gymnasts - you did GSPA proud. Thank you to Mrs Todd, who helped transport the children and supported the team at the event. A huge thank you too, to Mrs Griffiths, who prepared the children for the event.

4th March - Keeping fit whilst having fun at Mrs Hampson's Just Dance club. Think I may have to join :)

1st March 2019 - So very proud of our Quicksticks hockey team who travelled to St Ives One Leisur Oudoor Centre today, to compete in the Level 2 Quicksticks hockey tournament. This was the first time that the team had played together and it was lovely to watch them grow in confidence and skill level as the tournament progressed. I think they all came away with a new love of the Quicksticks game - one comment that I overheard was, "I just want to do it all over again!" Huge thanks go to Mrs Griffiths who was there coaching the team and to Mr Taylor who helped to transport the team and support them at the event.

Thursday 28th February - What a wonderful evening we had yesterday for our return to cross country club. I think that they were tired at the end :)

PE in Saturn and Jupiter class - Thursday 7th February
Another week of gymnastics and pupils are self and peer assessing each other to tick off gymnastics skills on assessment sheets. Amazing effort from both classes and pupils are so motivated and have a very mature attitude to having the freedom to practise new and existing skills. 

Big thank you to the leaders at gym club on Thursday.  Mrs Griffiths

1st February 2019 - Exercising, keeping warm and having fun at KS2 Ribbons club today ...

Thursday 31st January 2019 - Both Jupiter and Saturn classes had curriculum gymnastics sessions with Mrs Griffiths yesterday afternoon. They were consolidating existing skills and learning new ones. This week they were using the vault and were tryng out different ways of dismounting - they included, tuck, straddle, pike, half and full turn. The gymnastics club also had fun learning new skills too ...

News from Mrs Griffiths - 24th January

Year 4 completed an interval training session on the playground. They are mastering warm ups and are doing them independently which is excellent to see. 
Jupiter class had an hour of gymnastics with year 4 and all the children worked 
very hard on core skills. I hope they enjoyed it.

18th January 2019 - It may be cold in the morning, but we keep warm by staying active on the playground before school ...

18th January 2019 - Our new gymnastics club got off to a great start yesterday. The children benefitted from new equipment including, crash mats and wedges, which allowed them to practice forward and backward rolls in a safe environment. Mrs Griffiths was assisted by our year 5 and 6 young leaders; it is so good to see them volunteering their time to help our younger pupils.

Saturn PE - Spring 2019
This term Saturn class will be learning lots of different training methods to improve cardio vascular fitness, muscular strength, muscular endurance, agility and more. They are also doing gymnastics.  Last week we were using some new equipment to perform backward rolls into handstand, straddle and front support.  More equipment will be arriving shortly to allow children to try more new skills. 
Don’t forget that jewellery is not allowed to be worn in PE. 


Great News! This term (Spring), Mrs Griffiths will be running an exciting new Gymnastics club on Thursdays after school. The club is open to years 3 and 4 as they will be preparing for a year 3/4 competition which will be held at Huntingdon Gymnastics Club in March. However, if numbers allow, it may be possible for other years to join in too. If your child is interested please return the club reply slip as soon as possible as places will be allocated on a first come first served basis. Year 6 children are also invited to apply to for the role of gymnastics leaders at the club.

13th December - A few photos from Saturn's curriculum PE netball sessions this half term.

13th December - The Cross Country Club would like to wish everyone a very happy and healthy Christmas holiday!

13th December - We have had a fantastic half term in Cross Country club. It always amazes me how enthusiastic and committed the children are to their sport, whatever the weather. Well done team - I look forward to successful 2019 season.

13th December - Over the last half term, Saturn have been concentrating on Netball skills and Dance with Mrs Griffiths. Over the last few weeks they have been creating routines with a Jazz, Charlston and Jive influence. They have been focussing on partnering activities, including mirroring, matching and canon skills. Today they had such a lot of fun with the bell belts (which gave it a real seasonal feel) and they even managed to incorporate some lifts into their choreography. Well done Saturn Class and Mrs Griffiths.

12th December - As part of our PE provision this term, Mars and Jupiter have been concentrating on Dance, and we are really lucky to have our own dance teacher, Miss Jones. To showcase some of the new skills they have learnt this term, the rest of the school and many parents and friends were treated to a super

23rd November - Such a cold evening for our Cross Country club yesterday! However, our hardy athletes still wanted to train. We did succumb to the weather about half way through the session though and were invited to join Mrs Griffiths Table Tennis club, who were enjoying Cardio Table Tennis! We soon got warm and doubled the fun! Thank you Mrs Griffiths.

8th November - Mr Finlayson of the Hunts Schools Sports Partnership was a very special visitor to our Celebration Assembly this morning. We learnt in July, that we had been award the GOLD level School Games Mark Award for 2017-2018. The School games Mark is a government led awards scheme which rewards schools for their commitment to the development of sports in school and the community. Our wonderful sports crew accepted the award on behalf of the school. HUGE thanks to staff, parents and the wider community who support us, and of course our amazing children, whose ethusiasm for the opportunities provided, makes it all worthwhile. Well done team Great Staughton.

6th November - Sshh! Mars class are dancing to Christmas music today!

1st November - Well, what terrible weather for our first cross country session! However, we did keep active (warm and dry), as we joined our new Table Tennis club run by Mrs Griffiths. Lots of fun was had be all!

1st November - WOW! Jupiter class had a super successful time at the DLPT year 3 sports event this morning. Along with year 3 children from KPA, they competed in dodgeball, netball and football - when all of the points were added up, our joint teams were rewarded with 1st place! They have a very smart shield, which they will share with KPA. I know that Miss Connor is so proud and impressed - the chidren supported each other and showed outstanding teamwork, at the same time as developing skills and having fun! Well done year 3.

31st October - A huge WELL DONE to our year 5/6 rugby team who competed in the level 2 small schools rugby tournament at Hinchingbrooke School today. This was the first time that the team had played together in a competitive setting and as the tournament progressed their team spirit, confidence and skill level grew with each match. Everyone agreed that they had so much fun and they look forward to more tournaments in the future.

9th October - A great big THANK YOU to Mrs Hampson and the Grand Union Vineyard Church in Milton Keynes, who have kindly donated a full size table tennis table to our school. An equally big THANK YOU also, to Mr Nairn who arranged collection and delivery of the table. We hope to arrange a table tennis club in the near future.

19th September - Meet our new Sports Organising Crew! They will be busy organising fun activities with our children at lunchtime and helping generally with all things sporty!

14th September - A perfect day for Saturn's first Tag Rugby coaching session yesterday ...

12th September - It was a pleasure to be able to join Year 1 for part of their dance lesson in PE yesterday.

12th September - Jupiter class have been learning some seriously cool new moves in dance ...

I am very excited to announce that I have just found out that we have been awarded the GOLD School Games Mark Award for 2017-2018. The School Games Mark is a government led awards scheme launched in 2012 to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community. Participating in this process allows schools to evaluate their PE provision and assists them in developing an action plan for future progress. A HUGE thank you to all of our staff, parents and wider community clubs who always work so hard to enable this to happen and provide our children with the sporting opportunities that they deserve. Most of all I would like to thank our children who are always enthusiastic and make the most of the opportunities on offer. I look forward to a great sporting 2018-2019. Happy holidays!

Here at GSPA we are constantly looking to provide our children with new sporting opportunities and forge links with sports clubs. We are so very proud of two children who have been attending the the junior squad at St Neots Table Tennis Club following a taster session organised by Mrs Di Gutteridge a HUNTSSP and St Neots Table Tennis Coach. The awards were made jointly by HUNTSSP and St Neots Table Tennis Club, prior to National Table Tennis Day on Wednesday, for the commitment and achievement of this talented duo! Mrs Gutteridge is looking to organise more taster sessions in September.

I would like to say a HUGE thank you to our year 6 Sports Organising Crew for 2017/18, who have worked tirelessly (and without complaint) during lunchtimes, organising and supporting fun sports based activities for the rest of the school. Thank you also, to those members of the Sports Organising Crew, who helped to organise and run the C4L club - your help has been invaluable. It has been a privilege to work with such a motivated and enthusiastic group of young sports leaders.

Wednesday 27th June - The whole school have been busy this afternoon, preparing for Sports Day on Friday. The children learnt about the Olympic and Paralympic values of Excellence, Friendship, Respect, Excellence, Determination, Inspiration, Courage and Equality before splitting into their house groups. Each house is named after a sporting icon (Jessica Ennis, Bradley Wiggins and Lee Pearson) and the children spent time researching their athletes. The afternoon also had a cultural element, with each house being given a country that has significant importance in the sporting world calendar: South Korea (2018 Winter Olympics), Brazil (2016 Olympics) and Japan (2020 Olympics). Be sure to be there on Friday morning to see the work that they have produced for the opening of our Sports Day!

On Monday, year 6 travelled to Winhills School to compete in the year 6 DLPT sports event. We entered a combined team with KPA which rotated around multi-skills, rounders and dodgeball activities. The GSPA/KPA team worked so well together and had lots of fun! They were rewarded with being awarded joint 2nd place. Well done!

Tuesday 12th June - What a great morning we had at the HSSP Quad Kids (Level 2) event held at the St Ives Athletics Track today. Our team competed in howler throw, standing long jump, 600m and 60m sprint. For many, it was the first time that they had experienced being at an athletic track which was very exciting and inspiring. The event really did bring out the team spirit of GSPA children, as they supported each other with encouragement and advice. I do not have results yet, but I do know that there were some outstanding performances and all of our team came away feeling very proud of themselves. It was so lovely to see the children competing and enjoying themselves - the smiles on their faces says it all! Well done team GSPA, I am very proud of you all!

26th April 2018 - A huge well done to all of our atheletes who competed in the 2018 Cambridgeshire Cross Country Championship last week. It is such an amazing event with so many different schools competing from across the county. In the girls competition, 122 teams started the race and our girls were placed 51st ( 8th within the small schools competition). 146 teams started the boys race and our team was place 16th in the small schools competition. Wonderful results - I am so very proud of them all! Many thanks also to all of the parents and friends who came along to support the teams. I am now looking forward to the athletic season

14th March 2018 - I could not be more proud of our Quicksticks hockey team who attended the level 2 Quicksticks tournament in St Ives today - their enthusiasm and commitment was inspirational. This was the first time that the children had played together as a team and as the afternoon progressed it was lovely to see them gaining confidence and learning new skills and tactics. Thank you also, to Mr Middleton who help with transport and supported the children during the tournament.

22.2.2018 The Taster Sports Club, run by Mrs David from HSSP, was a HUGE success. The children had the opportunity to try a new sport each week. On the final week, the children voted for their favourite sport, which was New Age Curling - very timely with curling being one of Great Britain's key events at the 2018 Winter Olympics currently being held in PyeongChang. We look forward to welcoming Mrs David back in the Summer term.

22.2.2018 - Last half term, Saturn Class worked with Mrs David (HSSP) on Principles of Balance. During their final session they had the chance to perform a sequence of 4-6 linked actions, combining balances with other actions. Impressive stuff!

Saturn Class are enjoying Netball this term, with our Living Sport Coach Mr Hayward, ahead of a High 5's tournament planned for May.

10.1.18 - Our new Taster Sports Club started on Tuesday. The club is run by Mrs David from Huntssp and the children will be introduced to a new sport each week. This week it was New Age Curling - I wonder what next week will be?

10.1.18 - This term Mrs David from Huntssp is working with Mars class, to deliver a unit of gymnastics based around the principles of balance. The children had great fun - they learnt how to move around the room and hold balances. The moves and balances were named after pasta: spaghetti, spaghetti on the plate, pasta bows, sphaghetti hoops, pasta twist and ravioli - can you guess any of these in the photos?

10.1.18 - This half term, Saturn Class are working with Mrs David (HSSP) in PE. They are working on Principles of Balance - by the end of this unit the children will be able to create and perform a sequence of 4-6 actions which combines balances with other actions. This week the children performed a conditioned phrase showing body tension in balances.

Paralympian meets youngsters at St Neots Table Tennis Club - 27th November

It is so lovely to see our pupils exploring new opportunities in sport and gaining inspiration from the sporting activities that we offer in school. During the summer term, Mrs Gutteridge (HSSP) delivered Table Tennis coaching to Saturn and Jupiter classes. As a result of this, a number of children have since joined the St Neots Table Tennis Club. This weekend some of the youngsters were offered the opportunity to take on the role of ball retrieval at an event held at the club. Paralympian, Rob Davies was at the event, and he brought along his Paralympic Gold medal which he won at the 2016 Paralympic games in Brazil. How wonderful!

Year 5 DLPT Sports Event - 8th November

The year 5 children from GSPA and KPA attended the year 5 DLPT sports event at Winhills School today. The event was also attended by teams from Winhills, Middlefield and Round House schools and all of the children competed in dodge ball, netball and football matches. It was such a close competion! There were 5 placings available - our team came 3rd, but they were only 1 point behind the two teams that tied in 1st place! It was so good to see all of the children taking part and having fun; they showed great teamwork and determination as well as respect for the other teams. A huge WELL DONE to the children of both schools.

Level 2 Small School Tag Rugby Tournament - November 1st, 2017

I could not be more proud of our Tag Rugby team, who competed in the Level 2 Small School Tag Rugby Tournament! This was the first time that the team had played together in a competitive environment and during the tournament they demonstrated excellent teamwork, and as their confidence grew, we could see the team develop the skills that they had learnt in school. Well done everyone!

As part of our PE provision this half term, Jupiter and Saturn classes have had the opportunity to take part in Table Tennis, delivered by a Hunts SSP coach. During the final session yesterday, the children were able to hone their nearly acquired skills with fun target based activities. It was also the last session for the after school Table Tennis Club - the club has proved very popular and 2 children are now attending sessions at the St Neots Table Tennis Club. If you would like to know more about local opportunities, the St Neots Table Tennis Club can be contacted at 01480 810076, alternatively just let me know and I will put you in touch.

We are super excited to receive our #PLPrimaryStars equipment pack. Great online resources too! Our Sports Crew are certainly impressed and are looking forward to using them!

Say "HELLO" to our new Sports Crew! They will be helping staff and lunchtime surpervisors with all things sport. We look forward to working with you all.

The children in our Table Tennis club are certainly building their skills; this week they have been practicing their forehand and backhand shots with Mrs G! They have also been playing "battleships" which is an activity to improve their target skills. Such fun!

Table Tennis came to Great Staughton today! Mrs Gutteridge of HSSP delivered sessions to Saturn and Jupiter classes, as part of their curriculum PE provision - during the sessions the children learned the basics of bat and ball control, through skills based activities. The Table Tennis club built on these new skills with fun games and challenges. For the rest of this half term, the sessions will take place on a Thursday afternoon

12th July - National Table Tennis Day! Mrs Gutteridge from St Neots Table Tennis Club, came into school today to celebrate National Table Tennis Day. She told us all about table tennis and gave the children the opportunity to try fun table tennis based activities - some of the adults even took up the challenge. Did you know the game is also known as Ping Pong and Wiff Waff? If you would like to know more about activities at the club (for all ages and abilities) please let me know.

6th July - Getting active and having fun at our lunchtime club today!

28th June - Hunts Schools Sports Partnership brought the Sports Science equipment to school today. Mrs Forster worked with our year 5 children to help them to be able to deliver the sessions to the rest of the school. Saturn class had fun challenging themselves to produce personal best times and scores on all of the equipment - some even made it to the leader board.

Well done to our Sports Science Event leaders!

Jupiter class really enjoyed their PE session yesterday - fun and lots of team spirit were the order of the day!

It was perfect weather for long jumping and sprinting at athletics club!

Our Quad Kids team travelled to the St Ives Outdoor Centre today, to compete in the Level 2 Quad Kids competition. This is always such a great event and today did not disappoint. The children competed in 4 events - 600m, Vortex Howler throw, standing long jump and 75m sprint. It was lovely to see the look of determination on their faces and how our children supported each other in their events. The event also gives the children experience of competing on an athletics track. Well done everyone and a HUGE thank you to the parents who helped with transport.

It was really nice to be able to welcome HUNTS SSP back into school today. In Saturn Class, Mrs David taught and consolidated the fundamental skills needed to play Tag Rugby. Mars Class were practising the skills needed to throw accurately and over the next few weeks, will be exploring other skills needed for our School Games Day on 28th June. Despite being indoors, both classes had lots of fun - we are hoping for better weather next week!

Y3 at DLPT Summer Sport Event (25th May 2017)

Having fun learning new skills at athletics club.

Boxing Fitness - Year 3/4 have been working with the Premier Sports coachng team over the last few weeks, where they have been given the opportunity to experience different sports - this week it was Boxing Fitness. The focus of the session was to improve cardio-vascular fitness, accuracy and agility in a safe, controlled environnment, whilst having fun.-

The final results of the Cambridgeshire Primary Schools’ Cross-Country Relay Championships are in!! In the girls championship, 109 teams took part - our girls came 10th in the Small Schools competition. 137 teams took part in the boys championship and our boys came 4th in the Small Schools competition. I am so very, very proud of both of our teams - the athletes should be very proud of themselves too. A huge thank you to all the parents and friends who transported the children to the event and supported the teams around the course. I can't wait for the athletics season to begin!

The Cambridgeshire Primary Schools’ Cross-Country Relay Championships took place yesterday afternoon at Priory Park in St Neots. The event, which is one of the largest of its kind in the country, was attended by 70 schools from across Cambridgeshire. We took a team of 4 girls and a joint boys team with KPA. I have to say, that I think this was one of the most exciting Cross Country Championships that I have ever attended (and I have attended many!) Our children were outstanding! Their commitment to training for the event and their teamwork, which was so evident yesterday, has been inspirational. All of our athletes gave 100% - I think that they even surprised themselves. Perhaps the best part of the afternoon was looking at the smiles of the children as they finished their lap – they then continued to run around with their other team mates offering encouragement. It was such a pleasure to accompany the teams and I look forward to receiving the final results.

A group of year 4 Outdoor Adventurers travelled to Hinchingbrooke School today, to take part in the very first Out Door Adventurous Activities Festival. The activities took place in the stunning grounds of Hinchingbrooke House and the teams were led and assisted by year 9 young leaders. Despite a chilly morning, the children soon got warmed up and took part in 6 different orienteering challenges - their favourite was called "Funny Faces"! The festival compliments the skills that they have been learning in school with Mrs. David (HSSP). The children’s enthusiasm shone through and it was such a pleasure to accompany the team

We did orienteering activities with Mrs David (HSSP) today, as part of our Outdoor Adventurous Activities unit of work. The children learnt how to use control markers, control punches and control cards. Once these key skills were mastered, the children worked in small teams to complete a small orienteering course. It was so lovely to be able to do the activities out on the field, amongst the spring daffodils!

Mr Toyer from St. Neots Golf Club came into our assembly thiis morning and told us all about golf for children. He showed us the equipment he uses and some of the fun games that can be played. Saturn class were then treated to an "Introduction to Golf" taster session, which included key skills, target putting and team games. Children in Saturn and Jupiter classes will be bringing home details of taster sessions that will take place at St Neots Golf Club. This is a fantastic opportunity as we are always looking to build links with local sports clubs and introduce our children to new sporting opportunities. The sessions are FREE and spaces are limited, so to avoid dssappointment, don't delay booking if you would like your child to take part.

Our new Fun Archery club started with Mrs David (HSSP), this afternoon. It was such fun and lots of new skills were learnt. I think we have some budding archers in the making!

What a perfect afternoon for Cross Country running!

Silver School Games Award

We are so proud to be able to display our Silver School Games Award, which finally arrived just before Christmas.  The Silver Award was for the year 2015/16 and reflects all of the handwork of our children and staff; it is displayed beside our Bronze Award for 2014/15.  


At a recent Key Stage assembly to celebrate our award, we decided that we would love to work towards achieving the Gold Award!  We discussed the benefits of keeping active and it was lovely to hear about the wide range of sporting activities that our children enjoy, outside of school. 

It would be nice to hear more about our children’s out of school sporting activities and achievements - look out for further details of how we hope to do this, next term.


Well done and thank you to all of the children and staff for their continued commitment to high quality PE in our school. 

Hunts School Sports Partnership at Great Staughton Primary Academy


Do take a look at the following links to the Hunts School Sports Partnership website, which gives a flavour of the activities that they delivered in our school, last term.


PE Specialists from HSSP regularly visit our school to work alongside staff, to deliver excellence in sport.  Our children always enjoy their sessions and improve their skills.


We look forward to welcoming them back after half term, when they will be delivering a unit of Outdoor Adventurous Activities with some of our children.


Last term, Saturn Class were taught gymnastics by Mrs Forster from the Hunts Schools Sports Partnership. During the final session, they combined all of the skills that they had learnt, into a routine which they performed to the rest of the class. I was particularly impressed with the way that they linked all of the elements in their routines and the positive feedback that they were given by their peers. Well done Saturn Class

Jupiter class have been working with Mr Hayward this half term, on the basics of invasion games. They have been focusing on the game of Kwik Sticks hockey.

Cross Country Club - December

I was cold at the beginning of Cross Country Club today, but we soon warmed up!

Well Done Jade

This half term, we have been very fortunate to have had SJ fro SJ School of Dance, teaching Saturn and Mars classes.  SJ decided that she would like to award a scholarship to one pupil in our school who has shown the most progression in her lessons.  A huge CONGRATULATIONS to Jade from Saturn Class - Jade will now receive a term of dance lessons at SJ School of Dance in St Neots.


Well Done Jade

Jupiter class have been very busy in their PE sessions this half term.


Year 5/6 Sports Event at Winhills Primary Academy

Well what a sporty week the year 5/6 children of Saturn class have had - yesterday the Tag Rugby Tournament and today the Diamond Learning Partnership Trust sports event as Winhills Primary Academy.  The children competed against Roundhouse, Winhills and Middlefield schools. I think that it would be fair to say that Dodge Ball was their favourite event - we think it should become an Olympic event!  Well done everyone.

Year 5/6 Sports Event at Winhills Primary Academy

Tag Rugby Tournament

Year 5 and 6 travelled to Huntingdon Rugby Club this morning to compete in the Hunts Schools Sports Partnership Level 2 Tag Rugby Tournament for small schools.  Despite the rain, the children played well and showed super teamwork and sportmanship;  they were supportive, not only of their own team mates, but also of other teams.  For most of the children, this was the first time that they had played in a competitive Tag Rugby match and it was very noticeable how quickly they built upon the the skills that they had learnt and practised in school.  The team was awarded the School Games Values certificate for Self Belief.  

A MASSIVE well done to everyone.

Tag Rugby Tournament


Yr 3/4 Sports Event at Winhills Primary Academy

A huge well done to our year 3 and 4 children who attended a Diamond Learning Partnership Trust sports event as Winhills Primary Academy on Tuesday.  The children competed in Netball, Football and Dodge Ball.  For many of the children, this was the first time that they had competed in such an event - it was lovely to see the children take part in new games such as Dodge Ball, learning new skills and of course having fun.  The children were excites to be placed in 3rd position overall.  We now look forward to the year 5/6 event which is being held next week.  A very big thank you also, to the parents who gave their time to help with transporting the children.



Rio Paralympics - 2016

To mark the start of the Paralympics, Saturn class have been exploring what it would be like to be a disabled athlete.  They experienced what it may feel like to be an athlete with a visual impairment and how games can be adapted to overcome this.  Most of all, they discovered that it was not an obstacle to participation or enjoyment.

Paralympic Experiences

Sports Day

We had a great time at our recent Sports Day.  The event started with a parade of all of our children in their house colours - each house had it's own banner!  To celebrate this Olympic year, lots of children were waving flags which they had made themselves.  Mrs Naylor and Mrs Paddick led the whole school in an Olympic themed song with lots of actions!  The children then enjoyed a carousel of sporting activities followed by more traditional races.  The event ended with a whole school relay in which every child ran in their house team, carrying a baton.  All children scored points for their houses in each activity, and in addition to this, children were awarded extra points for demonstrating the Olympic values.  Well done to Pearson house who had the highest total of points this year.



School Sports Day

Table Tennis Morning at St Neots Table Tennis Club


Today, eight children from Saturn and Jupiter spent the morning at St Neots Table Tennis Club.  This was organised by Mrs Di Gutteridge following 6 weeks of coaching our KS2 children, earlier this term. The children were able to play on full sized table tennis tables and practice what they had learnt in school as well as learning new skills in a fun environment.


A highlight of the morning was meeting Daniel Bullen, who is a currently ranked 2nd in England disability Table Tennis and recently won a gold medal in a National School Games event.  Daniel has also benefitted from attending the GB Para training camp in Slovenia and now has his sights firmly set on being selected to represent the UK at the 2020 Paralympics which are to be held in Tokyo.  The children were able to experience what it is like to be a disabled table tennis player -  they played with Daniel on the “Olympic Table” which was used for the quarter finals at the London 2012 Olympics!


We are looking to arrange further taster sessions at the club next year.  If you would like to know more about the club, please click the link below.

Table Tennis Morning at St Neots Table Tennis Club

Quad Kids Level 2 Event


Report by Alex:

On 14th June 2016, Saturn class year 6 went to St. Ives athletics track for the HSSP Quad Kids sporting event. Quad Kids is an inter schools event where each child competes in four sporting events: howler throw,  standing long jump, 75m sprint and 600m run.  There are four boys and for girls on each team.


We were nervous at first but after the first event, which was howler throw, our nerves decreased. Our next event was standing long jump and that is our coach’s favourite sport, so we were determined to do well. Our best jump was 1.89m by Daniel. The next event was the 600m and the girls went first. They were very successful and got good scores. The boys did equally well and beat many schools. The final event was the 75m sprint. We were lined up and it was very tense as the race started. 


Our team did very well and we enjoyed the competition.  Overall, it was an amazing event because we competed on an actual athletic track.

Quad Kids Athletics Photographs

Kwik Cricket Tournament


Our Year 3, 4, and 5 children had a great time at the Mixed Kwik Cricket Tournament held at Eaton Socon Cricket club.  Last half term, a coach from Huntingdonshire Cricket Board worked with our children, teaching them the skills needed to play Kwik Cricket. The tournament provided an ideal opportunity for the children to use their newly acquired skills in a fun, competitive environment. We had a lovely morning and despite a poor weather forecast, the sun shone for us!


Kwik Cricket Photographs

Saturn and Jupiter Table Tennis


Mrs. Gutteridge of St Neots Table Tennis Club/HSSP has been coaching our children over the last few weeks. Children from Saturn and Jupiter have enjoyed learning new game skills including backhand/forehand passes and umpiring/scoring. This week was our last session with Mrs. G and we practised our target skills using fun apparatus including targets, mini basketball nets and cricket wickets! The afterschool club have also enjoyed their time and have had the chance to play full games, as well as developing their skills in a fun environment. We hope to organise a taster session at St Neots Table Tennis Club, so that the children can experience playing on a full sized table tennis table.

Jupiter Table Tennis

Saturn Table Tennis

Tag Rugby Triumph!


Wow, what and exciting and successful end to the Spring term!

Great Staughton Primary Academy Tag Rugby team are now the Cambridgeshire Small Schools Tag Rugby CHAMPIONS.

Our journey began back in October 2015 when we won the Hunts Schools Sports Partnership (HSSP) Small Schools Tag Ruby Tournament which qualified us to represent the HSSP at the School Games Level 3 Spring Festival.

It was such an exciting day, which began with an opening ceremony at the One Leisure Indoor Centre, which was opened by Sporting Champion and England Netball player, Lindsay Keable. We then transferred to the One Leisure Outdoor Centre and set up our “Team GSPA Camp”.

Our team competed against 9 other teams who had qualified from Hunts., Cambridge, South Cambridgeshire, Witchford and Peterborough SSP’s. They stormed through the heats and met Spaldwick School in a challenging semi-final. Our final was against St Albans School – again, a challenging match, but superb teamwork and determination paid off and secured our title! Then the celebrations could begin!    The next day, the team’s success was shared with the rest of the school, in celebration assembly. 

The staff and parents who came with us gave us, played their part too - one of the young officials said that if he could have given an award to the best supporters, then it would have been to GSPA for sheer enthusiasm and vocal encouragement!

We are now preparing for more competitions next term, including Hi 5’s netball and cross country.

Cambridgeshire Small Schools Tag Rugby Champions!

was a privilege and a pleasure to accompany the team and watch them secure their very well deserved victory. A huge thank you

Hi 5 Netball Tournament - Match Report


Before the match, we felt nervous but excited for what was ahead. As it was a really hot day, we were struggling to focus on the match and what to expect.  On the journey to Longsands, we were discussing team tactics but as we had no idea which teams we were playing, it was a challenge to come up with our own.

During the game, we started to get worried because we noticed all the teams played very well (this was our first EVER netball game!). Unfortunately, we lost the first game 0/2. Each game was six minutes long and each and every one was intense. We got more confident when we drew our first match.

As the tournament progressed, our confidence grew and we worked together to win our FIRST game!  We continued to score more and more goals and are very proud to have won three matches in total.  As we battled on through the afternoon, we at last found our own tactics to win.

When the tournament was over, it was revealed who had won. Sadly we didn’t win, but were happy to have taken part and we felt very proud of ourselves. We left with a feeling of accomplishment and happiness. We are grateful for the opportunity to be able to compete.


Report by Trudy and Charlie

Hi 5 Netball Tournament
