Week Commencing 2nd March 2020
This week we have been super excited about World Book Day! On Thursday the children came to school dressed as their favourite book character and we enjoyed spending lots of time enjoying each other’s books. We also spent some time creating a storyboard of our book complete with illustrations!
This week we have been consolidating all of the skills we have learnt so far in all subjects. Year 1 have completed some assessments and have really impressed me with their determination and hard work. Well done everyone!
In Science we have been continuing our learning on ‘animals including humans’. This week we explored naming a range of different animals and discussing their habitats. We made posters to share our learning!
The children have been working hard this week to begin building a castle from all of our junk modelling resources. They looked at pictures of a castle before exploring the junk to decide which pieces would be best to use. We also discussed how best to join the materials together. I was very impressed with their teamwork and collaboration which resulted in a fantastic junk model castle ready to be covered in paper mache to make it nice and strong!
We also carried on with our Quick Cricket sessions with our All Stars coach in PE.