The Key Stage 1 SATs officially assess your child’s maths and English abilities. Although these are formal tests, they are done in a relaxed way; in fact, most children are not even aware they’re taking a test!
There are a number of elements to the KS1 SATS tests, including maths, reading and English grammar, punctuation and spelling
What will be in the KS1 SATs 2020 papers for Year 2?
KS1 maths SATs:
The KS1 maths SATs is made up of two papers:
· Paper 1 is an arithmetic test which should take around 15 minutes. It will consist of 25 marks.
· Paper 2 involves reasoning, problem solving and mathematical fluency. This paper has 35 marks available, will last for roughly 35 minutes, and contains a variety of question types.
KS1 English grammar, punctuation and spelling SATs:
· Paper 1 is a 20 word spelling test worth 20 marks which should take roughly 15 minutes.
· Paper 2 is a punctuation, grammar and vocabulary test. It comes in two sections of around 10 minutes each, and the paper is worth 20 marks.
KS1 reading SATs:
· Paper 1 consists of a variety of texts totalling 400 to 700 words with questions placed at intervals throughout.
· Paper 2 consists of a reading booklet containing different passages. These will total 800 to 1100 words.
Each paper for the KS1 reading SATs is worth 50% of the available marks and should take up to 30 minutes. The texts in the tests cover a wide range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry.
Websites to support your child: