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Week Commencing 24th February 2020

Week Commencing 24th February 2020


In Maths this week we have been learning about measuring length and height using non-standard units of measure. The children used cubes to measure the length of different objects and recorded what they found out. Later in the week we learnt how to use a ruler to measure in centimetres and how to draw lines to a certain length. 


In Science we completed a senses experiment to consolidate our knowledge on this. The children took part in a carousel of activities which were based around each sense including some blindfolded tasting and smelling! 


On Tuesday Mars Class and Ash Class (from Kimbolton Primary Academy) came together for a topic day. The children came to school dressed as if they were from the medieval era and, through role play, experienced life as it would have been like living in 1140. They participated in wide range of cross-curricular activities such as making a clay castle, creating a coat of arms, making illuminated letters, building a trebuchet, baking medieval gingerbread and much more!
