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Art Gallery

Mercury Art Gallery

Take the time to explore this page to find out about the Mercury children creative journey. We will be updating this page to show what we are finding inspiring, our sketchbooks and our creations.

Autumn Term 1

This half term the children have been exploring primary colours and experimenting with colour mixing. We identified the primary colours and how these colours can be mixed to create more colours. Artists might mix paint on trays called pallets but you can also mix colours on a variety of materials. 

We also took inspiration from portraits to go alongside our topic 'All about me'. We created portraits of ourselves and our family. Some of the children could begin to explain their artwork to other children and adults. 

Miss Kelly heard all about our fascination with portraits that she gave us an artist to look at to inspire us, Pablo Picasso. Picasso is a famous artist as his paintings are 'abstract' this means they don't look quite right and the peoples faces look unrealistic. We had a go at our own abstract portraits using Picasso's style to inspire us and 2D shapes to help support. The children are becoming more confident in explaining their artwork with reasoning!


Pablo Picasso

Continuing with developing our colour skills Miss Maxwell brought in pumpkins to inspire us. We began to use artist words to describe the pumpkin: texture, colour. The children really enjoyed practising their fine motor skills to develop the shape and details of the pumpkin.
