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SATURN CLASS 2020.2021

We are all looking forward to all children returning to school for the Autumn Term.  We will be starting the term with a whole school project, all children will complete work based on 'Here We Are' by Oliver Jeffers.

In Saturn class Mr Nelson will remain as the class teacher with Ms Smith as our HLTA.

For this term, Saturn and Pluto have been set up differently (following government guidelines).  Expectations and procedures will be shared with the children on the first day of school. 

We understand that some learners have not been in school for quite some time, so we are approaching the first few weeks slightly differently to a 'normal' return to school.

We hope that you have all had a restful break over the summer and are looking forward to returning to learning within your classrooms.

Week Ending 11th September

Welcome back everyone!! It's absolutely brilliant to be able to allow all children back into school.  This week we started with focusing on the impact on COVID-19 and home learning.  We discussed the importance of making sure that we keep ourselves as safe as possible and how this helps our whole school community.

This week our learning has been focused mainly on our whole school project (Here We Are by Oliver Jeffers).  This book shares life on Earth and how we all contribute to our amazing planet.  We have thought about what relationships we have we people and why they are important to us.  We have also thought about the positive impact lock down has had on our environment (e.g. less pollution) and how as life returns slowly back to normal we can continue protecting and looking after our environment.

We enjoyed being outside this week completing some forest school activities as well as spending Thursday afternoon on the main field for our PE lesson with Mrs Griffiths.

We concluded the week with a few assessments, so we can check the children's current understanding with arithmetic and spelling.


PowerPoint to share with children before returning to school. This will also be shared on the first day of school in class.

Maths QR Codes & Hyperlinks

All previous academic years can be found in the archive folders below.

SATURN CLASS 2019.2020

Mr Nelson is the lead teacher in Saturn with some lessons being taught in Pluto.  Ms Smith will support and lead lessons in Saturn and Mrs Tickle will work with us on a Wednesday afternoon completing forest school activities.

Week Commencing 23rd March

All activities and tasks can be found in the home learning section of this class page.  Follow year group folders to locate tasks set for each year group.

Week Ending 20th March

This week in English we started to look at a book called Just A Dream (by Chris Van Allsburg).  We initially started our work by thinking about how the future could be different from the past.  We then investigated the illustrations in the book - the dreams of the main character.  This book is the introduction to a mini topic of climate change and how our actions can damage the planet.  In maths all year groups have been consolidating work covered in the previous week - focusing on problem solving tasks wherever relevant.  In science we concluded some investigations that were started during science week.


It was very sad to be concluding our week in the way that we did.  It was the start of changes being made due to COVID-19.  In class we discussed the effect of this virus and how we would need to adapt our daily lives for the foreseeable future.  Unfortunately, Friday was our last day as a class.  We hope to return as Saturn class 2019.2020 as soon as possible.  For now, everyone please take care and follow guidance that is provided for us all.

Week Ending 13th March

This week was our science week based on 'Our diverse planet'.  Most of our learning has centred on this theme.  We have completed many different science investigations - ranging from rocket bottles to taste buds.  Lots of work has been completed with a science skills focus with relating facts from investigation to investigation.

Also this week we went on a class trip to the Polar Institute in Cambridge.  Children had the opportunity to find information in the museum that either consolidated our learning in class or set up a new line of enquiry based on prepared questions.

12 children in Saturn spend two days on a peer mediation course with KPA children - providing them life skills that can be used in school free time scenarios.

We concluded the week with a SAW day (science, art and writing).  Work was based from 'The Lost Words' and was on display for all at the end of the day.

Week Ending 6th March

This week has been our assessment week for Y4 and Y5 children.  They have completed papers to show their current knowledge of SPAG, reading comprehension and maths (both arithmetic and reasoning).  Y6 children have been working on activities in preparation for their SATs assessments.

During the afternoons, children have worked on their DT project based on buggies.  Thank you for the information gathered from the flipped learning activity.  Children are working in small groups to create a buggy design that would be suitable for Antarctica.  This week we also we able to attend a talk from a visitor from KPA about his experiences of working in Antarctica - children were able to gather first hand information as well as ask any questions of his personal experiences.

This week was also World Book Day.  Well done to everyone for the great costumes.

Week Ending 28th February

This week was our last week at looking at Shackleton's Journey during our English lessons.  We have considered difficult decisions that needed to be made as well as writing a newspaper report on the events from the book.  In maths, Y4 have focused their learning on money, Y5 decimals and Y6 algebra.  Y4 children have used coins to consolidate their learning of addition and subtraction, progressing to column written methods.  Y5 children have worked on place value of numbers (smaller than one) and linked some of their learning to pound sterling.  Y6 have worked on 'missing number' calculations as well as work using shape with unknown quantities.  During the afternoon sessions we have continued our work on Antarctica as well as working outside for forest schools.

Next week is assessment week for Y4 and Y5.  Children in Y6 will be working on activities based on their upcoming SATs.

Week Ending 14th February

This week Y6 children have completed some old SATs papers, so we can celebrate successes as well as identify areas of learning leading into the new half term.  Y4.5 children have complete morning lessons as normal.  In English children have planned and written a story using the Young Writers' theme of 'Connections'.  In maths children have continued their work on geometry - including problem solving questions.  This week we have also spent time looking at internet safety - as the official day was Tuesday 11th February.  This year's theme was 'Together for a better internet'.

Children have also worked hard during our outdoor learning activity learning time - where we have made flower beds, general maintenance and moving resources.

Enjoy the half term and stay safe during the holidays.

Week Ending 7th February

This week in English we have concentrated on writing motivational speeches.  Children were presented with inspirational speeches and had to write their own being Shackleton.  In maths all years have completed work on geometry - based on area and perimeter as well as drawing and measuring angles within shapes.  Y5.6 children also have drawn line graphs linked to our science learning.  The main event for our class this week was Y6 going to London for Young Voices.  Everyone had an amazing time singing and performing at the O2 arena.  Saturn class have also spent time in our outdoor learning area - linking many curriculum subjects together to help revamp our outside provisions and prepare areas for the spring.

Week Ending 31st January

This week we have written letters home to our loved ones using ideas and events from Shackleton's Journey.  We have also worked hard on improving our editing skills - beyond changing spellings.  In maths all year groups have worked on 2D shapes.  Y4 have identified and sorted shapes using a variety of methods.  Y5 have worked on properties of shape - using protractors.  Y6 have worked on identifying missing information within 2D shapes - mainly focused on triangles and quadrilaterals.  In science Y4 have continued their work on animals and food chains, in Y5.6 we have started our revision sessions on "changes of state" - linking our work to Antarctica.  Within our topic sessions we have continued our work on the South Pole and geographical and science findings.  Y6 had a very musical on Wednesday; they went to KPA to practise for our Young Voices concert which is on Thursday 6th February.  Y6 make sure you have plenty of rest on Wednesday - as our trip to London is quite a long day!!

Week Ending 24th January

This week in English we have been researching different responsibilities of crew members aboard the Endurance.  We have used this information to inform us of skills and responsibilities needed to be able to write a CV.  Presenting our information in this way has helped us form questions that could be asked within an interview - forming part of our learning next week.  In maths Y4 and Y5 children have continued their work on time and time intervals.  This has included problem solving as well as work based on timetables.  In Y6 we refreshed our understanding of ratio and continued our learning with proportion.  Y6 children have also spent time with Y6 from KPA continuing their understanding of multiplication and division of larger numbers as well as working on their exciting writing task based on fictional creatures.  In science Y4 have started work on food chains (looking at constructing and interpreting food chains).  Y5 and Y6 have finished their work on light with looking at the colour spectrum and how we see colours.  Topic this week as been strongly linked to our English work - finding out facts about Antarctica and Shackleton.

Week Ending 17th January

This week started with a very successful joint English session for Y6 children with KPA.  This will run every Monday morning, providing children the opportunity to work with other peers and allow adults to support specific groups to develop their writing.  In English (as Saturn Class), we have started our work on Shackleton's Journey - this is heavily linked to our topic work on Antarctica.  In maths, Y4 and Y5 children are concentrating on time and reading information from analogue clocks as well as identifying different units of measure for time and time intervals.  In Y6 we are focusing on ratio and this will be linked to fractions and proportions in future lessons.  In science Y4 are continuing their learning on the human body and Y5 and Y6 have worked on investigations based on light; looking at refraction as well as the colour spectrum.  In topic children have identified the location of Antarctica and worked on map skills.  Thank you for the flip learning task on shelters being completed, this helped work on Wednesday that was based on our mini DT project that was lead by the children working on the Lego League.  Don't forget spellings are quizzed on a Monday and new spellings are also set on a Monday.  In Saturn we are trialling a different approach to home learning tasks and these will not always be issued on a Thursday.  Children will always have adequate time to complete tasks.  Just a reminder that Maths Whizz is still ongoing and 60 minutes per week is still required.  I will be monitoring Maths Whizz on an average usage, dated from 6th January to the present date.

Week Ending 10th January

Welcome back!!  It's the Spring Term!

This week started with a two day residential at Grafham Water.  Children had a carousal of six different activities.  Photographs from this trip have been uploaded onto our closed Facebook page and will also be uploaded onto the gallery page of this website in due course.

Back at school, we have spent some time generating leaflets based on our experience of Grafham Water and promoting the options available at Grafham.  Children have had the opportunity to spend some time completing Maths Whizz activities as well as completing this terms assessment on Star Reader.

On Friday we had a very inspiring assembly based on music instruments and promoting the love of music.  We also spent some time continuing work in science (that was started before the holidays). 

Week Ending 13th December

In English children completed some poetry work.  We also learnt songs for our Christingle service.  In maths, children worked on fractions alongside completing some online activities as well as having some focused tasks on Maths Whizz.  Y4 children in science continued to work on the human body - looking at internal organs.  In Y5.6 children investigated light and how we can see things.  Y6 children also went to Hinchingbrooke School to enjoy a live orchestral band performing The Snowman.  To conclude our week we continued our DT projects as well as going to the church for a festive celebration.

Y5 and Y6 science (investigating light)

Week Ending 6th December

This week children have looked at their assessment papers  - celebrating successes and working on trickier questions as a cohort.  In English, we heard the end of Rain Player and wrote a newspaper article based on the book.  We decided features of articles by looking at copies of First News (a children's newspaper) and then attempted to include these in our article.  In maths, all years have continued to look at fractions and how these can be used for calculations of amounts.  Our PSHE unit of work was concluded this week with looking at substances that can be ingested by the body - looking at the harmful/damaging effects of these substances.  Thank you for the completion of the flip learning homework - this provided a good starting point for our DT project, which continues next week.

Week Ending 29th November

This week has been assessment week in Saturn class.  Children completed test papers for reading, SPAG and maths.  Results will be shared next week with the children, celebrating areas of strength as well as identifying areas for development (as a cohort).  Additional to sitting assessment papers, we have completed some DT work - mainly Christmas related.  Children have planned and made a snowflake for our Christmas tree and designed a front cover for our nativity play programme.  Homework this week has been some preparation (flip learning) for a mini DT project that we aim to complete in the next few weeks.  On Friday, children completed more of our PSHE unit of work based on Healthy Living.  With Christmas fast approaching and only two and a half weeks of school remaining, we will be very busy before the festive holidays!!

Week Ending 22nd November

This week we have found out a little more information from our English text 'Rain Player'.  We have thought about predictions based on the game of Pok-a-Tok and whether Pik will win the game!  Children have started to write a commentary for the game (similar to sport games heard on the radio).  Every year have also completed a reading assessment - starting our assessment period (next week is the main assessment week for the Autumn Term).  In maths all years are working on fractions but different aspects on this block of work. Comparing, finding equivalence and simplifying have been considered in Y4.5.  In Y6, children have looked at division of fractions as well as linking fraction knowledge to percentages.  In science Y4 have looked at teeth and hygiene.  In Y5.6 children have continued with their PowerPoint presentations on man's journey into space - this work will be presented next week to their peers.

This week we had a focus on Anti-Bullying with the theme for 2019 being 'change starts with me'.  We thought out the impact of constant unkind behaviour within a school setting as well as in everyday life.

Week Ending 15th November

This week we have continued reading Rain Player in English.  We have thought about characterisation and use of narrative and direct speech.  In maths Y6 have continued their understanding of fractions and Y4.5 have looked at multiplication and division.  In science Y5.6 have shared their views on spending money on space travel as well as starting a PowerPoint presentation on man's journey into space.  Y4 have started their new block of work on the human body.

Some time was spent summarising our learning from careers, aspirations and ambition week.  Friday was dedicated to Children In Need.  We hope to share our fundraising total early next week!

Week Ending 8th November

What an amazing week in Saturn Class!!

This week was dedicated to 'Careers, Ambitions and Aspirations'.  We have been lucky enough to have at least one visit per day and a trip to London!

The week started with a visit from the local fire brigade, talking about fires and other rescues that the fire service provide.  We had a visit from Adam Gould, a local personal trainer, he definitely made the children work hard!  On Tuesday we had a visit from Wood Green Animal shelter, sharing experiences with animals and what skills are needed to care for other living things.  We also had a light sound engineer talk, where our children were amazed with the opportunities that certain skills can provide (e.g. travelling the world!).  Wednesday, The Royal Shakespeare Company led an assembly - this was brilliant as the discussion was showing real life experiences of what skills practised in class.  We had our London visit to Kidzania on Thursday.  This is always a popular visit, as children take on the role of adult jobs - also have the opportunity to understand salaries as well as outgoings.  Finally, on Friday we had a visit from a local plumber, a talk about resilience referring to swimming and a visit from a prison governor.

I am so thankful for all of the support that our visitors provided this week, it should definitely be a week to remember for the children!

Week Ending 1st November

Welcome back after the half term for the second part of the Autumn Term.  We definitely hit the ground running with slightly adapting the timetable, as we listened to our pupil voice from the previous weeks and have changed our running of Saturn and Pluto.

This week in English we have been introduced to our new Mayan book called Rain Player.  This book will cover many concepts throughout the next few weeks.  In maths, Y4 and Y5 are focusing on multiplication and factors.  In Y6 we have started work on fractions.  Our science topics are concluding and all year groups will change their focus after our Careers and Aspirations week next week.

Week Ending 18th October

This week in English we have concluded our work on Mayan creation myths.  Children planned and wrote their own creation myth, using features and elements of grammar over the last few weeks.  This work as peer assessed and children had the opportunity to make any changes needed after initial feedback.  In maths, Y4 and Y5 worked on addition and subtraction problem solving puzzles - including arithmagons and magic squares.  This work pushed reasoning skills as well as fluency.  In science, Y4 continued their work on states of matter while Y5 and Y6 focused on the different phases of the moon during our orbit of the Sun.  This week Y6 and Y4 represented Great Staughton in our Autumn Term DLPT indoor sports event - activities included, dodge ball, bench ball and stacking cups.

Week Ending 11th October

This week in English we focused our work on World Space Week - taking a brief break from the Ancient Mayans.  In maths we have looked at problem solving activities based on addition and subtraction - looking at missing information problems as well as looking at deliberate mistakes in calculations and using our reasoning skills to explain the problem.  In science Y5.6 looked at the orbit of the Earth and how we see the sunrise and sunset.  In Y4 children continued to develop their understanding of the water cycle in relation to states of matter.  This week for art we looked at work using pastels and how we can mix and blend colours.  We have started our carousal of activities based on Solar System theme work.

Week Ending 4th October

This week in English we have been introduced to another Mayan creation myth, To The Stars By Canoe.  We have discussed and reflected on this text, thinking about the differences seen as well as general features to creation myth stories.  In English we have looked at different methods of calculation for addition and subtraction - for some children this has been consolidation.  We have focused on reasoning skills, identifying common misconceptions as well as linking our previous work on place value.  Y6 children have completed their base line assessment to start our preparation for SATs.  Throughout the year they will complete past SATs papers (please do not use past papers at home - as these will be our official progress check system within school).  In science Y4 children completed a water cycle experiment which is linked to changing states of matter.  In Y5.6 we looked at the impact of day and night as well as focusing on some inquisitor based questions related to seasonal change.

Week Ending 27th September

This week in English we have looked at the book The Corn People, another version of the Mayan creation story.  We compared texts and thought about how creation stories might vary.  In maths we have continued our work on place value; including rounding, adding and subtracting of powers or ten as well as reasoning and problem solving activities.  This week in Saturn, we had Wednesday and Thursday with a RE focus, covering the Christian creation - which was also compared to topic work.  In science, Y4 children completed a practical activity with Mrs Whiting and Y5.6 were fact finding about properties of different planets in our solar system.

Week Ending 20th September

This week in English we have been studying an ancient Mayan myth where Earth and life on Earth was created.  Children have been able to retell the story and complete some inference skills to explain possible reasons for character behaviour and feelings.  This work was also linked to our guided reading this week which was based on the creation of the sun and moon.  In maths we have looked at number and place value, which included simple addition and subtractions of multiples of 10, rounding to powers of 10 and developing our reasoning understanding of number.  In science Y4 children continued their work on states of matter with Mrs Whiting and Y5.6 children continued working on Earth and space with Mr Nelson.  For topic this week we finished drawing and painting our large Mayan men and started to think about Gods and religion - which goes hand in hand with our flipped learning homework task.

Week Ending 13th September

The first full week back after the summer holidays!

This week in English we have concentrated on recounts texts and writing letters.  For both tasks children worked on identifying features before writing.  In maths we have looked at number and place value activities using NRich.  We have also completed our initial assessment on Maths Whizz ready for the coming year.  Year 4 had their first science lesson with Mrs Whiting and Ms Smith - looking at States of Matter.  Year 5 and 6 worked with Mr Nelson advancing their knowledge of Earth and Space.

In topic all children started brief resource on the Ancient Mayans, locating where they settled, looking at life in the past and working on labelling world maps.  Our large Mayan men are still under construction; hopefully these will be completed soon to be added to our display.

On Friday we celebrated Roald Dahl day, photographs for this can be seen on our closed Facebook page.

Week Ending 6th September

Welcome back to a new academic year!  Staff in Saturn class hope everyone has recharged their batteries over the holidays and are looking forward to this Autumn Term.

This term has started with some creative week activities based on our topic of The Ancient Mayans.  Children have worked in groups to create life-size Mayans on card, to be painted and displayed in the classroom.  We also have thought about class rules and expectations and discussed scenarios within a PSHE style setting.  Mrs Griffiths also taught her first PE lesson of the year focusing on key skills which hopefully will be progressed throughout the term.

It is very exciting to have Pluto classroom joining our Saturn classroom.  Starting next week some lessons will be taught in Pluto by Mr Nelson while other children will remain in Saturn being taught by Ms Smith.  Core lessons will mainly be lead by Mr Nelson and foundation subjects will mainly be lead by Ms Smith.  This year, we are focusing on children's independence and ensuring that every opportunity counts towards achieving successful and challenging goals.

Autumn Term 2019 Medium Plan Overview

SATURN CLASS 2018.2019

Mr Nelson is the lead teacher of Saturn class this year. Mrs Bullimore works Monday - Thursday and Mrs Tickle works with us for three mornings and Wednesday afternoon (outdoor learning).

Week Ending 12th July

This week was SHOW WEEK!! What an amazing set of performances from our children.  I've only heard positive praise and comments about Hoodwinked and everyone should be really proud of themselves!

Additional to the show, we completed some topic work - looking at Ancient Greek Olympics and we have completed some fun learning games for maths.  On Friday the whole class looked at the first lesson of The Rainbow Flag block of work and Y6 children will continue with this into next week.  A follow up lesson will include Y4.5 looking at some child friendly books on different family set ups and how we might be perceived by others.

Next week is very busy for Y6 children as they have a trip on Monday, join KPA children on Tuesday afternoon for forest school work and finally complete Y6 PSHE work based on SRE.

Week Ending 5th July

This week Y6 going to Longsands next year had their transition days.  They were all very positive about the experience of secondary school!!  Within school we have been focusing on our KS2 performance (next week).  Children have done incredibly well learning their lines as well as following staging directions.  Early next week we have our dress rehearsal.

In class, Y4 children have started their tooth decay experiment - taking readings over several days.  Y5 children have planned their science experiment, which will be completed in the coming week.  The new Saturn class children completed a pre-task based on a week that is planned early November.

With only a few weeks to go, we have plenty of topic, science and other foundation subject activities to keep us busy leading up to the summer holidays.  Let's keep going!!

Week Ending 28th June

This week Y4 and Y5 children have had the opportunity to reflect on their papers completed during assessment week.  Successes and areas for development have been identified.  We have continued our rehearsals for Hoodwinked, with some children already some of their lines!  Y4 competed in their DLPT sports event on Wednesday - they worked well as a team.  Y6 have completed more transition sessions, ready for secondary school, at KPA.  This week we also had sports day.  Children worked in their houses to complete a pre-task ready for the day and we all had a great time on Friday (also with beautiful weather).


Just a reminder, costumes deadline for Hoodwinked is Thursday 4th July and children will need to have their lines learnt this week as scripts go down!!

Week Ending 21st June

This week has been an assessment week for both Y4 and Y5.  Children have been assessed on their current knowledge of SPAG, their reading comprehension and arithmetic & reasoning in maths.  During the afternoons we have looked at science and topic.  In topic this week, we have focused our learning on democracy - both in Ancient Greek times and the present.  We have also continued making our war helmets.  Children have been given roles for our performance of Hoodwinked and they should have received a CD with the songs and a costume letter.  We also completed our first read through of the script!!  In the coming weeks, we will be very busy rehearsing for the show, completing our work in science and Ancient Greece.  The next few weeks will be very busy, so I hope we all work together to have an enjoyable last section of the school year!! 

Week Ending 14th June

This week we have read the ending of Kensuke's Kingdom.  We now know what happens to Michael and Kensuke on the island.  We have looked at characterisation of the main characters as well as thinking of an alternative ending to the novel.  In maths Y4 and Y5 have looked at some calculations using all four number operations as well as trialing new maths games that promote multiplication.  In science Y4 children have started to complete work on the human body and digestion, while Y5 children have started work on materials and their properties.  Y6 children have completed more work on their writing portfolio as well as leading the way with inquistor with our Ancient Greek topic.  We held auditions for Hoodwinked and children will find out their roles early next week.

Week Ending 7th June

This week we have heard more of Kensuke's Kingdom and we have looked at events from two different viewpoints.  In maths Y4 have finished their work on statistics and Y5 have spent more time flip learning ratio and proportion (ready for next year).  Y6 children have started their English and maths transition work for secondary school.  In science we have looked at Eva Crane and her work with bees.  This half term we in topic we are researching Ancient Greece.  In working groups we completed KWHL grids - focusing on lines of enquiry and questions that we can answer during the next few weeks.

Our KS2 show this term will be Hoodwinked (a swashbuckling Robin Hood musical!).  All children have a copy of the script and our songs are starting to be learnt.  Auditions will be next week.  Good luck everyone!!

Week Ending 24th May

This week has been incredibly busy with trips and events for children in Saturn class.  On Monday Y6 children competed in a DLPT summer sports tournament.  On Tuesday Y5 children competed in their year groups tournament.  On Thursday some children attended a football event at Peterborough Football ground and the remaining children attended a RE day at Elstow.  All children who attended these events were proud of their achievements and all feedback has been positive.

In English this week we have written a balanced argument on whether the behaviour seen on the island between Kensuke and Michael is appropriate.  In maths Y4 have continued their work on statistics while Y5 children have looked at ratio and proportion.  Y6 children have spent sessions this week with Mrs Whiting gathering writing evidence (to go alongside their SATs papers).


Next half term our topic is Ancient Greece and children have been asked to provide a single white bed sheet for our DT session.  The bedding will be transformed into Ancient Greek clothing.


Enjoy the May half term and come back refreshed for the last half term of the school year!!

Week Ending 17th May

This week children in Y6 have sat their SATs papers for English reading, SPAG and maths.  Mrs Whiting and I are very proud of how all four children and they should be confident that they all performed their best.  We now need to move our concentration onto ensuring our writing is of high quality to show off our English writing skills.

Y4.5 children have continued with Kensuke's Kingdom work in English.  This week the children have focused on non-fiction writing based on animals that were seen on the island Michael was shipwrecked on.  In maths Y4 children have worked on statistics and data handling, while Y5 children have concentrated on prime and composite numbers.  In science we completed our CSI based lesson and children had to put science to the test to solve a crime!!

All children have had an opportunity to complete our topic work on local history of Kimbolton and Great Staughton.  We also have had the final session on skills based perspective drawing. 

Week Ending 10th May

This week Y6 children have been busy working on SATs preparation with myself and Mrs Whiting.  They have worked really hard to revise areas of learning for English and maths.

Y4.5 children have continued to work on Kensuke's Kingdom in English - looking at a ship's log and deciding what information is relevant/needed to be documented.  They are also at the point in the story where Michael has found himself stranded in the ocean with no way of getting back onto the sail boat! They have made predictions for the next part of the story.  In maths Y4.5 have continued working on geometry skills, looking at co-ordinates and translations.  Science this week focused on moon landings and how many people are responsible for a successful mission.  The homework this week (on CSI) is to prep the children with some information for our next lesson on Scientists and Inventors.

Congratulations to the children who have recently represented our school in tournaments and competitions, all staff are very proud of you and your achievements.

Week Ending 3rd May

This week in English we have been finding out more information from Kensuke's Kingdom.  Children have written ship's logs sharing what activities and events our characters have been up to.  In maths we have continued with our understanding of angles and properties of 2D shapes.  Y6 children have spent some time prepping for their SATs.  Thank you for the information gathered from last week’s homework on David Attenborough, this was very helpful and time saving during our science lesson.  Children completed two different tasks, one sharing information in the style of David Attenborough and the other was a fact finding challenge.  This week we children from Saturn class competed in two sporting events - netball and cross country.  Mrs Bullimore was very proud of all children that took part in these events.  Also, 4 Y5 children took part in a DT challenge day at Kimbolton Secondary School - Mrs Whiting chaperoned the children for this event.

Week Ending 26th April

Welcome back after the Easter holidays.  This week we started with our half termly Growth Mindset lesson, where children reflect on a broader approach to learning and difficulties that we might face.  As Easter Monday was only this week, we spent some time sharing with Easter means to us and reflecting on the importance of this time of year.  In English we have started to look at Kensuke's Kingdom (by Michael Morpurgo).  From the front cover we have predicted the content of the book, heard the first chapter and have written a balanced argument as to whether a family should sail around the world.  In maths, all year groups have looked at 2D shapes and their properties - mainly focusing on angles.  Science this week is a home learning task (based on David Attenborough) which will be used next week.  Y6 children have spent some time preparing for their SATs and this will continue for the next couple of weeks.  Y6 parents, please note that children will be attending some lessons at KPA for the next two Tuesdays (30th April and 7th May).

Week Ending 5th April

This week we have concluded our work on Floodland in English.  In maths we have completed problems based on area and perimeter.  Y4 have worked with Mrs Bullimore to complete a unit of Science work based on sound and Y5.6 have completed an extension unit based on human life cycles.  This week we prepared and celebrated Easter.  Saturn class covered celebrations, meaning of Easter and what Easter means to us.  The service was lovely and each child represented the school with pride.  This week was also the last swimming session for this year, some children covered life saving skills in this session - using buoyancy aids.  Friday was the children's Reward Day.  They celebrated with an Easter egg hunt as well as making chocolate Easter nests.  Enjoy the two week break and we look forward to seeing you all for the Summer Term.

Week Ending 22nd March

This week in English we have worked on figurative language within poetry and our work has been based on pollution.  This theme has also been the inspiration for our homework this week.  In maths all year groups have been looking at shapes focusing on area and perimeter.  This has included fluency as well as problem solving (having missing information that needs to be worked out before calculations can be processed accurately).  In science we have spent the week summarising our knowledge of life cycles and children have presented life cycle facts to one another.  In topic we have started to think about possible areas for research based on Great Staughton and Kimbolton.  This week in swimming, many children were challenged with swimming several lengths of the pool, showing determination and stamina.

Week Ending 15th March

This week has been science week! We have completed many different experiments involving balloons.  We have decided on what was being investigated and have completed many practical activities.  Y5.6 children also investigated the DNA of strawberries with Mrs Duncan on Tuesday afternoon.  Some of our Y4 children took part in a local gymnastics competition at Huntingdon Olympic Gymnastics Centre this week and they represented our school with pride.  Additional to science and competitions, we have started to look at poetry in English.  In maths Y4.5 children have continued their work on time and units of measure, where our Y6 children have continued with algebra and sequences.  To round off the week, we raised money for Comic Relief and had a family lead science fair after school.  All photographs taken this week have been published on our school FB site.

Week Ending 8th March

To start the week Y4 children went to Grafham Water for their 3-day residential (lots of photo's have been posted on Facebook).  We challenged ourselves with many activities including: stacking crates, mountain biking, archery, sailing and canoeing.  Even though we didn't have the sunniest of days we all remained remarkably dry!

Y5.6 children were in school working on Inquisitor style questions on rivers as well as undergoing a short unit of work in maths based on time (Y4) and algebra & sequences (Y6).

On Thursday it was World Book Day.  All the children looked very impressive in their costumes based on one of their favourite books.  On Friday we started the day being transported 'out of this world' with our Wonderdome experiences - this was a fantastic way to launch some of our activities for Science Week.

Week Ending 1st March

It's the start of the second half of the Spring Term.  This week as been assessment week for Saturn class, being tested on English and maths skills.  During the afternoons we have completed work on science and topic based activities.  This week in science we have looked at the work of Jane Goodall with chimpanzees, this has also been the inspiration for our 2 week homework task.  In topic we have generated challenge questions based on rivers that we could deepen our learning with or cover areas not lead by teachers.  This work will continue on into next week - based as Inquisitor Tasks.

Week Ending 15th February

This week we have completed detailed character descriptions of William and Dooby from Floodland in English.  Y6 children have completed the book and written a summary alongside KPA children with Mrs Duncan.  In maths we have consolidated our previous weeks work completing reasoning and problem solving questions.  In science we have looked at the life cycles of different mammals.  In topic we have completed our salt dough models of a river system alongside finding out how we use rivers.  Unfortunately swimming was cancelled this week, so we took the opportunity to explore Espresso to confirm previous learning and ignite more questions that can be looked into after the half term break.  Holiday homework has four tasks, at least two need to be completed.  Plus children are expected to complete 60 minutes of Maths Whizz during the break.

Week Ending 8th February

This week in English we have looked into the dilemma's that Zoe faces in Floodland.  We have shared our opinions with possible solutions and written a persuasive letter to convince her of what to do.  We have also use the skill of persuasion to write letters to Mrs Whiting regarding new roles within the school.  In maths Y4 have concentrated on addition, subtraction and multiplication of decimal numbers.  Y5 have looked at decimals and percentages.  Y6 have consolidated learning on decimals and percentages with a SATs booster morning focusing on celebrating skills and identifying areas that could be targeted. In topic this week we have found out about erosion and deposition along a river - causing meanders and oxbow lakes.  We have all now had the opportunity to make a salt dough river system, we need to allow them to dry fully before adding paint and glaze.  French this week has focused on food and drink.  We have continued with our perspective drawing in art and children have independently undertaken more lessons based on Espresso Coding.  This week we also spent time looking at internet safety - with the underlying theme of consent for all.

Week Ending 1st February

This week Y6 children went to the O2 in London to perform alongside thousands of children at their Young Voices concert.  It was a fantastic day and one that they'll remember for quite some time.  In school this week we have continued our work on Floodland - planning and writing playscripts.  In maths Y6 have continued working on fraction and decimals and have refreshed their knowledge on percentages.  Y5 and Y4 have worked on decimal numbers - identifying value as well as solving some calculations.  In topic we have looked at the features of a river and Y4 have led making models of river features from salt dough.  In science we have investigated the different ways plants reproduce and looked at the advantages and disadvantages of sexual and asexual reproduction.  In PE we have continued working on our gymnastic skills as well as water skills in swimming.

Week Ending 25th January

This week we have continued working on Floodland in English.  Children have produced writing in the role of characters as well as developing their grammar and spelling skills.  In maths Y4 and Y5 have worked in fractions and progressing their understanding of part of numbers and Y6 have completed work on decimals.  Our topic this week has broadened our knowledge of rivers in the UK.  We enjoyed a drumming workshop on Wednesday and Y5.6 spent Thursday afternoon working with Mrs Whiting on an Energy Challenge.

Week Ending 18th January

This week we have been introduced to our English book Floodland (by Marcus Sedgwick), this incorporates our topic theme of water.  Children have made predictions based on the front cover and the opening paragraph.  They have also written questions for our main character.  Our grammar focus this week has been subordinating clauses and conjunction, plus expanded noun sentences.  In maths Y4 and Y5 have focused on fractions - looking at properties of fractions, visualising amount stated as well as problems based on value of quantities.  Y6 children have looked at decimals - properties, multiplying and dividing by powers of 10 as well as converting fractions to decimals.  In topic we have familiarised ourselves with vocabulary based on rivers and used atlases to identify the location of some main world rivers and main rivers in the UK.  Children have completed an introductory tasks for science - looking at life cycles of plants (Y6 also thinking about evolution and inheritance).  This week in PE we used our brand new crash mats and slopes in gymnastics and children had their first swimming session of the term.

Week Ending 11th January

Welcome back to the Spring Term!!  This week started with a two-day residential at Grafham Water.  Children worked on team building as well as refining certain skills.  Everyone who went had a great time, even though it was a little chilly at times!!

Returning to school, we have focused on the New Year representing a new start and thinking about successes as well as how we can improve our mindset, progress and determination for 2019.

See link below for an overview for the Spring Term in Saturn Class.

End of Autumn Term

This week we have concluded our work on WWII. Children have worked on videos summarising our learning. Scenes from our WWII day have been included as well as short drama clips recorded today. Tuesday was our reward day which was enjoyed by all. Saturn staff wish all children a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

Don't forget that the first two days back in the spring term are based at Grafham Water.

World War II Day

Children spent the morning in class working on their topic work.  We also started watching Dunkirk to see what life was life from different perspectives.  In the afternoon we had a battle on the school field with mini breaks around the fire eating our rations.  Children had a great time and fought well!!


Week Ending 30th November

This week has been assessment week.  Children have completed tests on reading, spelling, grammar and maths.  All tests have been marked and analysed and results will be shared in children next week.  Some of our lessons next week will be based on lesser known skills.  Although we spent a lot of our mornings completing tests, we still managed to completed science experiments, complete our half termly Growth Mindset lesson and prepare for our Christingle service.  Additional to this we completed a topic session on rationing (which has also been the focus for our flip learning homework task) as well as become a festive production line making snowflakes - incorporating some of our DT skills.

Week Ending 23rd November

Most of our work this week has been based on WWII.  In English we have delved further into Goodnight Mr Tom and completed activities focusing on evacuation.  We have thought about how difficult times leading up to the war can affect people in different ways.  In maths Y6 have continued their work on fractions and Y4 and Y5 have continued work on multiplication division.  In science we have prepped for investigations based on forces.  In topic sessions we have looked at Anne Frank and her diary.  We are learning some war time songs and we have been introduced to some of the Y6 Young Voices songs.

Next week is assessment week.  We have already completed an arithmetic paper and a spelling paper.

Week Ending 16th November

This week we have mentioned Goodnight Mr Tom in our English lessons.  We have introduced the book with role play and photo stimulus to try to understand being an evacuee during the war.  Next week (Monday 19th November) children have been invited to bring in 3 small items from home - that will fit in a shoe box - that can be used within a drama based lesson, e.g. small toy, book, photograph.

In maths Y6 have worked with fractions - concentrating on comparing and ordering fractions focusing on both the numerator and the denominator.  Y4 and Y5 have looked at multiplication and division - we have looked at multiples and factors as well as working on our times tables.

In topic we have finished work based on Remembrance Day.

Today, we celebrated Children In Need.  Thank you for all the donations throughout the day - we all had a very active morning!

Week Ending 9th November

This week we celebrated Diwali, retelling the story of Rama and Sita using puppets and iMovie.  We also marked Remembrance Day with an art inspired day.  As well as dedicating time to these days we have looked at war poetry in English - looking at vocabulary that can be used in our poetry writing.  In maths Y6 has worked on fractions and Y4.5 have looked at multiples and multiplication facts.  Other work has been based on WWI. 

Week Ending 2nd November

Welcome back after the half term holiday.  We have only had four days this week with the children and in that four days we competed in two different sports events!  Y4 children took part in the DLPT Sports Event and brought back a trophy!!!!!!  Some Y5 and Y6 children competed in a Tag Rugby tournament and played many games.

In English this week we have looked at performance poetry.  We have worked in groups to perform a war time poem and thought about the effectiveness of tone, actions and instruments to make our performance 'come alive'.  In maths Y4 and Y5 have completed their work on addition and subtraction using problem solving.  Y6 children have worked on different methods for division.  In science we have reviewed our work on electricity and thought ahead to our new topic of forces (this will be a revision topic as this was looked at in depth last academic year).  In topic we have continued with our WWI internet research timeline and continued with our propaganda posters.

Week Ending 19th October

This week Y5 and Y6 have both competed in our Autumn DLPT Sports Event.  Both years were paired with children from KPA and we all showed really good sportsmanship.

In English we have looked at editing skills and improving our writing.  In maths Y6 have looked at multiplication and Y4 and Y5 have focused on column subtraction.  In science we have continued working with circuits and completed some investigations based on series and parallel circuits.

Y6 children spent the morning on Thursday at KPA where we worked on skills specifically for Y6 children.

This week we also had our Harvest Festival - thank you for all the donations that were brought to the church.

Our half term reports have been issued, with a covering letter to share some information based on the content of the envelope.  Please ensure that reading and Maths Whizz is completed over the half term, as well as the instructions based written homework.

Let's hope everyone is rested when we return for the second half term - leading up to incredibly busy weeks near the end of term (Christmas!!!!)

Week Ending 12th October

This week in English we read the last part of FArTHER.  We all predicted how the book would end and one prediction actually matched the published ending!! With our writing we have continued to look at speech as well as narrative writing with subtle description and inferential content.  In maths Y6 have continued with work on all four operations - having a taught focus on multiplication and Y4.5 have continued with column addition as well as column subtraction.  The whole school participated in a money morning - Saturn had a focus on problem solving.  In science we have continued our work with circuits - looking at conductors and insulators as well as investigating the impact of changing the voltage within a series circuit.  In topic we have completed a second lesson on propaganda and started to make a poster that would have been displayed during WWI.  Some children on Thursday afternoon went to KPA to work on the Big Build - this was very successful.  Y6 chi