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Week Commencing 13th January 2020

Week Commencing 13th January 2020


We have had another busy week in Mars Class! The children have been developing their addition skills in Maths and Reception have been practising matching numbers with the correct amount of objects. Reception and year 1 have also had a go at doubling numbers.


In English we have a started learning about non-fiction texts. We have been identifying the features of information books and have practise sorting fiction and non-fiction texts. Following this we have begun to think about our own questions about our castles topic. The whole class have really impressed me with their engagement and excitement about of castles topic, particularly their use of some excellent vocabulary!


In Science we began our new unit ‘Animals Including Humans’. We explored the human body by drawing around a friend and labelling the basic body parts.


In Art we explored the work of Paul Klee. We had a go at recreating his work by drawing different shapes and lines using colours to fill in the gaps. Once we had practised, we came together and reflected on our work and what we might want to change. We then completed our final piece of art and discussed what we would change if we were to do it again. Their artwork was fantastic!!
