Week Commencing 9th March 2020
In Maths this week we have been learning about measuring weight using non-standard units of measure. The children explored the balance scales using mathematical vocabulary such as heaver, lighter, equal and balanced. We also learnt we can measure the mass of different objects to help us find out which item was the heaviest or the lightest.
As part of our current English topic we continued to learn about poetry. We explored the word choices in the poem 'Zim Zam Zoom’ and practised performing it. Watch the video in the English section of the Mars Class Page! We also collected interesting vocabulary we could use for our firework poems when we write them next week.
On Wednesday we spent some time learning about the British Science Week theme ‘Our Diverse Planet’ through exploring different habitats, creating paper chain diverse people and experimenting walking around an obstacle course blindfolded but guided by our friend. It was much trickier than we thought it would be!
We've been celebrating Science Week in Mars Class this week! On Friday we had a science, art and writing (SAW) day based on the book 'The Lost Words'. We began with a whole school assembly creating a poem about red kites. Back in class the children then created their own acrostic poems about red kites before making a large-scale red kite in forest school in the afternoon.
We enjoyed exploring the projects the children have started as part of this half term's homework. If you need any further help, please just come and ask.
A busy but great week!