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SATURN CLASS 2022.2023
Year 5 and Year 6
We are all looking forward to children returning to school for the Summer Term. We will welcome everyone in Saturn back with a part creative week to introduce our topic of Antarctica and Exploration.
Adults working in Saturn class: Mr Nelson, Ms Smith, Mrs Wiseman, Mrs Tickle (for forest school) and Mrs Griffiths (for Friday PE).
Week Ending 30th June
This week most of our Year 6 chlildren spent a transition day at their new secondary school (the remaining Year 6 children have theirs next week). We also spent many sessions working on our KS2 production of Aladdin Trouble.
Additional to the activities outside of the classroom, children continued their work on Shackleton's Journey in English and completed some mathematical work on units of time. In science, children continued their work on the circulatory system.
Week Ending 23rd June
This week was assessment week for Y5 children - covering assessments for reading, SPAG and maths. Y6 children continued with their transition work for secondary school. During the afternoons we looked at the circulatory system in science and participated in an independent art project. Throughout the week, we rehearsed scenes for the KS2 production of Aladdin Trouble.
Week Ending 16th June
This week we had our auditions for the KS2 production of Aladdin Trouble, well done to all cast members that auditioned. We also had a whole school trip to Shuttleworth Zoological Centre, where children interacted with a wide variety of species – including birds, amphibians, reptiles, and mammals – in environments that replicate their natural habitat.
In English we looked at features of a newspaper report and wrote an account covering content from Shackleton's Journey as well as Y6 children working on transition work. In maths, Y5 children focused on negative numbers. In science, we continued our investigation of solubility of different solids in water.
Week Ending 9th June
This week we completed our final growth mindset lesson for this academic year. Year 5 children looked at the 'iceberg illusion' - where there is a lot more information to consider than what can be seen on the surface and Year 6 children looked at 'learning pathways' and how these can be formed.
In science we investigated the solubility of materials while making solutions (using liquids and solids). We considered further questioning that could be used in a follow up lesson.
We also had an art/RE day where children looked at different religions, analysed artwork and combined ideas together within an umbrella display. To celebrate 'ocean day' we participated in an online STEM learning webinar as well as completed a recycling art project within forest school.
Finally, we started to look at the end of year KS2 production of 'Aladdin Trouble'. Auditions take place next week and children will have a copy of scripts, lyrics and access to backing tracks shortly.
Week Ending 26th May
This week has been very busy with additional activities outside of the classroom. On Wednesday, the whole class had a Lifepath Trip to Elstow where we completed activities that had a history and RE link to John Bunyan. On Thursday, Year 5 had their DLPT sports event and on Friday all children attended a rounders tournament at KPA.
In the classroom, children continued their work on Antarctica in English and topic as well as completed some maths work during the mornings. In science, we completed our practical investigation with insulation.
Week Ending 19th May
This week, Year 5 children worked on decimals in maths and continued their English work on Shackleton's Journey. Year 6 children focused their morning learning on writing tasks. All children completed a speech in role of Shackleton, to motivate crew members before setting sail from Plymouth to Antarctica. During the afternoons, children finished their preparation from an insulation investigation for science and worked on topic research as well as continued their art project.
Year 6 children, who have enrolled to Longsands, had a transition session with a Year 7 tutor with the support of ex-pupils sharing their experience of life at secondary school.
Week Ending 12th May
This week was Year 6 SATs week. Our children worked like troopers through all papers! Year 5 children completed investigation work in maths and worked on themes from Shackleton's Journey in English. With another four-day week this week, we spent many sessions looking at PSHE themes of challenging ourselves in different scenarios and thinking about the use of developing new skills. To conclude our week, we all enjoyed outdoor PE with Mrs Griffiths - a well-earned ending for our SATs sitters!
Week Ending 5th May
This week in Saturn class, children in Year 6 worked in preparation for their SATs. In Year 5, children worked on Skackleton's Journey in English and continued their learning with position and direction in maths. We started our science topic of properties and changes in materials. Year 5 children also spent some time with Jupiter for forest school.
Week Ending 28th April
This week in English, we continued our work on journey writing - thinking about descriptive language, emotive language as well as using fronted adverbials. We also thought about different roles and qualities that were needed for Shackleton's expedition to Antarctica - this included collaborative work as well as research online. In maths, Year 5 children worked on position and direction within quadrants on a grid. Year 6 children consolidated work on geometry. During the afternoons, we completed science work, PSHE discussions as well as art and PE.
Week Ending 21st April
Welcome back to the final term of the academic school year!
This week, children have been introduced to our topic work on exploration and Antarctica. We have found out some facts about this continent as well as looked at the opening of our English book Shackleton's Journey. In maths, Year 5 have concluded their work on angles and Year 6 have completed a quick revisit on converting metric units of measure. All children have reflected on their own learning within our growth mindset lesson for this half term. During the end of the week, Saturn class spent time on DT looking at snow buggies.
Week Ending 31st March
For our final week of the Spring Term, we had a Rock Steady Concert, and Easter church service and a reward day. Additional to this, we completed an English day looking at a graphic text based on a natural disaster - we analysed the text as well as wrote a persuasive letter. In maths, we looked at geometry themed work (specifically angles). For our RRSA work this week, we discussed and analysed parental responsibilities and how families are different to one another.
Week Ending 24th March
In Saturn class this week, children were introduced to discursive texts and identified their features. We decided on suitable topics that could be debated for our own writing and completed our own debate. In maths, Y5 looked at statistics (focusing on line graphs) and Y6 worked on ratio and proportion. During the afternoons, children have focused their learning on RRSA and RE based activities.
Two additional activities were completed as well this week, a GeneR8 assembly and some children represented our class in a netball tournament.
Week Ending 17th March
During the start of the week, we reflected on our assessment week by analysing our papers - children were able to celebrate successes as well as identify areas for development. This week was also British Science Week and we completed many different scientific tasks around the theme of 'Connections'. This included research, practical tasks as well as live online lessons.
Time to celebrate!!
Well done to all children who took part in the recent Maths Whizz Hall of Fame competition to design the background to their new feature on the Maths Whizz website. Two children from Saturn class were awarded certificates for their work.
Week Ending 10th March
At the end of last week and this week, all children sat a reading, SPAG, arithmetic and two reasoning papers for our termly assessment week. Additional to assessments, in English we wrote our own version of an ending for our class book Running Wild. We also completed some evaluative work for our art/DT projects as well as celebrated International Women's Day (8th March).
Week Ending 3rd March
In English this week, we heard more of Running Wild (by Michael Morpurgo). We edited and improved our diary writing as well as reflected on the author's use of language within the text. Additional to this, we completed comprehension questions based on a short section of the book. In maths, Y5 children looked at the area of rectangles and compound shapes as well as completed discussion based activities on perimeter and area. In Y6 children looked at area of triangles as well as parallelograms, we also briefly looked at volume of shapes. In science, we investigated tornadoes - looking at how they are formed as well as providing a scientific commentary on cause, impact and destruction of this natural disaster.
This week was also the conclusion of our pop-up book project in DT (theme for our World Book Day). Children worked really hard to complete and evaluate this project. On the evening of World Book Day, we had bedtime stories, children were invited back to school to celebrate stories.
Week Ending 24th February
Welcome back after the half term, we are now half way through the school year!
This week, children made inferences informed by a text and wrote a diary based on a main character from 'Running Wild' in English. This new book for the class includes a tsunami, which is linked to our topic work (Extreme Earth). In maths, all children are focusing their learning on perimeter and area of flat shapes. In topic, children investigated and researched how hurricanes are formed. We have also spent some time this week preparing for our World Book Day project in DT. This includes using a cam within a pop-up book. Next week, for World Book Day, we are using some of this work for our final design project.
Week Ending 10th February
This week in English, we wrote a non-chronological report about a country of our choice. This work had already been prepped and this week we wrote the report using agreed features. In maths, children were working on decimals, fractions and percentages - comparing, ordering and making calculations. In science, we continued with our work on flooding, analysing our previous work and rethinking the task with a more scientific focus (determining one variable and making our findings more accurate).
This week we also welcomed some visitors to our class, we completed a 'Kick Ash' workshop - looking at smoking and vaping. This was very informative and something that upper key stage two will continue to look at in the future. To conclude our week, some children attended a netball tournament at The Prep.
After school on Friday, families were invited to take a tour through our 'Walk Through Time' homework project - many thanks to the families that came. This will remain in the hall for the first morning of the new half term, so children can celebrate this work.
Week Ending 3rd February
This week in English, children started their work on non-chronological reports (this has also been linked to our current topic work). In maths both year groups have been working on fractions and decimals (with Year 6 children also working on percentages). In science, children completed their child led enquiry investigation on flooding - this will be concluded next week. It has been exciting this week to be included in some STEM Live learning lessons, although we experienced some technical difficulties, children did watch a British female astronaut being interviewed about her experience. Our DT learning at present is preparing children for our whole school project that will be the focus of our World Book Day in March.
Use the above QR code or use the link below to view uploaded videos of Saturn class children explaining hurricanes. All children were involved in their group video but not all are seen on screen.
Week Ending 27th January
Another week, another trip! This week, Saturn class had the privilege to go to the Royal Opera House and see 'The Magic Flute' (a German opera with English subtitles).
In school, children continued their work with explanation texts in English - planning and writing an explanation about volcanic eruptions. In maths, Year 5 children worked on fractions and Year 6 children worked on algebra. In science, we completed work based on our topic (Extreme Earth), looking at how hurricanes are formed and the devastation that they cause. Children worked in groups to record an explanation video, once edited and finalised, these will be available for viewing on our school video link webpage (link to come).
As part of our STEM Live learning, children took part in watching 'The Really Big, Really Small Show', we have booked our place for coming events next week already!
Some children from our class have been working on the Lego League project and some children attended a small netball competition with local schools.
Week Ending 20th January
This week in English children have started their work on explanation texts. We are using inspiration from 'Until I Met Dudley' for our work. In maths, Year 5 children have been looking at multiplication and division and Year 6 children have looked at ratio. This week, Year 6 children from both GSPA and KPA started their booster SATs sessions. This will continue throughout the term, to prepare our young learners for the statutory assessments in May. In science, we are linking our work with topic (natural disasters) and children worked on the science behind earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
This week Year 6 children also attended the Young Voices concert at the O2 in London and some Year 5 children attended our first Lego League event in Peterborough.
Week Ending 13th January
This week children took part in Bike Ability. They stated this course in school grounds and then progressed to cycling on the roads in the village. Many skills were looked at and children will receive a badge and certificate for their achievement (in next weeks celebration assembly).
Also this week, children from YR-Y6 went to Grafham Water (for our annual day visit). Saturn class were split into two groups completing the same activities (mountain biking, bush craft and climbing). They all had a great day despite the weather!
In class this week, children have written different types of poetry in English and have completed work based on statistics in maths. Also, in science we found out facts about the solar system and found information about the different planets. Y6 children also spent some time rehearsing for the Young Voices (YV2023) that takes place next week.
What a great way to start the Spring Term, so many different activities and lessons completed additional to the normal weekly timetable!
Week Ending 6th January
Even though we have only been in school for three days, we have definitely hit the ground running! Children have been introduced to the topic Extreme Earth through English, science and topic led lessons. In maths we have consolidated arithmetic skills from the Autumn Term. Y6 children also had a rehearsal for their Young Voices concert (17th January) and we concluded the week, as usual, with Mrs Griffiths leading our PE session.
Remember next week is bike ability as well as our day trip to Grafham Water. Children will be outside for a considerable proportion of the week, so please make sure that suitable clothing is worn.
Week Ending 21st December
This was a short week (only three days). Although the week was short, we packed a lot in! This week we completed our half termly growth mindset lesson, completed our topic work on The Marvellous Mayans and concluded our work on life cycles in science.
Our last day of term was reward day - we changed things up slightly and children booked activities to complete beforehand that were mainly based on the theme of Christmas. For the afternoon, children selected a classroom to base themselves in to watch films.
We hope that everyone has a restful break over the festive period and return to school in 2023 with a great attitude for learning!
Week Ending 16th December
We have continued working through The Tempest in English. This week, we completed different writing tasks, including: writing an essay, writing a scene and exploring characters. In maths, both year groups continued their work on fractions. Y5 looked at addition and subtraction; Y6 looked at multiplication and division of fractions. In science, children looked at life cycles of birds and mammals. In topic, we concluded our work on The Marvellous Mayans with child led enquiry questions as well as our DT project of making Mayan food.
Week Ending 9th December
In class this week, children have taken a Shakespearean transition for the end of the term. In English, we are focusing our learning on The Tempest (a KS2 friendly abridged version of the story). We have looked at Prospero, Miranda, Caliban and Ariel - making predictions on how the characters will act. In maths, Y5 have looked at improper and mixed fractions as well as comparing fractions. In Y6 we have calculated fractions as well as compared and ordering fractions. In science, children looked at life cycles of insects and amphibians - spotting similarities and differences between different living things.
We had the pleasure of watching the dress rehearsal of Lights, Camel, Action! (the KS1 nativity). Well done to all of Mercury and Mars class. Also, many thanks to Homebase (Huntingdon) for donating lights to dress our stage as well as our Christmas tree in the hall.
Week Ending 2nd December
This week we concluded our taught lessons on Middleworld by writing a letter to Max giving him advice on what we feel he should do next in the story. We will continue reading the book to the children during shared reading times. We will finish this term in English looking at Shakespeare. In maths, all children looked at equivalent fractions. For both English and maths, we looked at our assessment papers from last week and celebrated successes as well as identified areas for improvement. In science, we looked at plant life cycles.
This week, selected children went to our Trust swimming gala - this is the first time that we have done this and all children who took part really enjoyed themselves.
We also celebrated Christingle this week and it was made even more special as we were once again able to celebrate at church. This is also a joyful service and a great way to celebrate the early stages of advent.
Week Ending 25th November
This week we completed our assessments (sat every ten weeks) for reading, SPAG and maths. Additional to this, we completed topic lessons focusing on geography skills using maps and creating 3D representations of maps. We also completed French, RRSA lessons and PE.
Week Ending 18th November
This week in English, we have worked on our persuasive argument for the end of the Ancient Mayan civilisation. We also heard more from the book Middleworld and worked in groups to create a missing scene from the text - this was written as a play script. In maths, all year groups have worked on written methods for multiplication and division. In topic, we started our geography themed work using map skills.
To conclude the week, all children celebrated Children In Need - wearing own clothes, dancing in the playground, purchasing cakes and entering raffles to win prizes.
Year 5 had an extra special activity this week - a sleepover on Friday night!! We made dream catchers, played in the dark on the playground, drank hot chocolate while watching a film and slept in the main hall. This was even more special, as KPA children from Y5 joined us.
Week Ending 11th November
This week, in English we made inferences with a text and wrote diary entries in role as Max from Middleworld. For our exciting this week, we wrote an historical argument for the end of the Ancient Mayan civilisation (linked to our topic work). In maths, children looked at multiples and factors of numbers as well as identified prime and composite numbers.
We linked our science and art work together this week, looking at flowering plants and life cycles. We had a very floral classroom with lilies out all week (apologies if anyone got pollen on their clothes - I know I did!).
We concluded the week with a remembrance service for our fallen soldiers, Y6 children led the service with facts and poems shared.
Week Ending 4th November
Welcome back to the second half of term, we all hope that everyone had some time to relax in the half term.
This week, we made predictions for the next part of Middleworld in English and also completed a character profile for Uncle Ted. In maths, all children have moved onto multiplication and division with the focus this week for Y5 being multiples and Y6 multiples and factors. We completed more topic work in the afternoons and to conclude the slightly shorter week, we completed some art for morning sessions with forest school and PE in the afternoons.
Week Ending 21st October
This week in English we edited our exciting writing work on our brochures for San Xavier and then in the following lessons actually published them (some children used laptops while others completed it by hand). In maths, all children completed their work on addition and subtraction - with Y6 looking at SATs style questioning and problem-solving based tasks. In topic, we started one of our final history themed activities by researching inventions and trade within the Ancient Mayan civilisation. We concluded our science classification work with a practical forest school task with Mrs Tickle.
Additional to the normal weekly learning, we were very fortunate to be invited to an online STEM learning day with Ely Cathedral. This work included elements of science, technology, engineering and maths.
Week Ending 14th October 2022
In English this week, children have looked at travel brochures to aid with their writing task. We have discovered what life seems to be like in Puerto Muerto (from Middleworld) and our aim was to get as many tourists there as possible to bring life back to the village. We use persuasive language as well as features of leaflets to help us complete this work. In maths, both year groups have completed work on addition and subtraction - making sure we incorporate our understanding of place value in our work. In science, we continued to monitor our bread investigation (growing mould), this will be concluded next week. Both year groups on separate mornings, also attended a DLPT sports morning, where they competed in different games activities. During the afternoons, we have continued our Mayan topic work - looking at everyday life as well as completing our religion work. There was a slight change in our timetable, due to celebrating the Harvest on Friday afternoon. Thank you so much to all children and families that kindly donated food to the church. Our class shared the meaning and message of Harvest beautifully and I'm sure all who attended thought the whole service was memorable.
Week Ending 7th October 2022
This week children have heard the opening chapters of Middleworld (by J & P Voelkel). This book is being used in English - with a topic link (Mayans). Children have identified some of the main characters and completed a brief character study of them. In maths, Y5 children started their work on addition and subtraction - looking at mental methods to solve calculations. Y6 children concluded their work on place value and completed some problem-solving based tasks. In science, we looked at microorganisms and set up an investigation to see if we could preserve bread from getting mouldy. In topic, we completed some 'double page spread' pieces of work based on Mayan civilisation and buildings. To conclude the week, most Y5 children competed in a football event at Kimbolton Prep School.
Week Ending 30th September 2022
In maths, Saturn class have been consolidating their knowledge of place value by rounding, ordering and comparing numbers up to 1,000,000. They also completed problem solving activities on this topic. In English, we finished our story of Rain Player by writing a news report; focusing on direct and indirect (reported) speech. In Science, we continued to work on classification by examining and classifying creatures from the Indian Ocean. We also celebrated European day of languages, where we learned about the languages of different European countries. Our photographs this week so children demonstrating The Ten Commandments (covered in our RE lesson) and who these shape our lives.
Week Ending 23rd September 2022
Saturn class were introduced to the Rain Player. This is a Mayan book includes the Pok-a-Tok sport, where a young ball-player called Pik plays against a fierce rain god. We wrote instructions for Pok-a-Tok as well as set guidelines for the Mayan civilisation. In maths, Y5 continued their work on place value and Y6 went through their assessment papers; identifying strengths and areas for development. In science, we continued our work on classification looking at different living things and being introduced to the Linnaean classification system. In DT we made tortillas and ate them!
Week Ending 16th September 2022
This week, Y6 completed base line assessments for SATs. This covered reading, SPAG and maths. Y5 children consolidated their understanding of place value in maths and covered some writing tasks based on roles of responsibility as well as writing linked to topic. In science we all started our work on classification. This included having to classify different sweets and naming them. We also started work on a Mayan theme for DT that was preparing ourselves for some cooking tasks. During the week, some children took part in a DLPT sports event – celebrating how sport keeps us healthy.
Week Ending 9th September 2022
This week, our children returned to school for our annual creative week to start the academic year. We started to look at our topic The Marvellous Mayans. We completed some independent research, worked on chronology with time lines and upscaled images of Mayans in art (being a human photocopier). Children also experienced the Mayan sport of Pok-a-Tok. This was a lot trickier than it first seemed! We rounded off the week looking at the book The Barnabus Project. This book shared how we can feel like a failure but by working together and acknowledging our own strengths, we can overcome obstacles!