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SATURN CLASS 2020.2021


Week Ending 16th July

This week we finished filming The Wizard of Oz (our end of year show).  Please bring in a memory stick or iPad for us to give you a copy of the show.

In class, children had a mini project where they had to write a short playscript retelling scenes from either Romeo and Juliet or The Tempest.  This was then performed using puppets and recorded on an iPad.  Children then had to edit their play for others to view.

Another of end of term task was to write a book for Mars class in September.  This was writing a Mr Men or Little Miss Book.  This task will continue next week.

We also spent part of Friday completing a screen printing task - a new skill for children in Saturn class.  This will also continue next week.

Year 6 children spent some time thinking about the future, completing their final 'growing up and moving on' lessons.  They will have their Leavers' Assembly on Monday.

We will only have one day with many of the Y6 children next week, as they are going on their Y6 residential trip to Hilltop.  We all wish you the best for the end year and moving onto secondary school in September.

Week Ending 9th July

This week we started filming our end of year show The Wizard of Oz.  This is being filmed in short scenes and then edited together for a final 'movie'.  The performances are fantastic and I can't wait to see the final product.  Saturn families are invited to send a memory stick into school, so the film can be copied and then shared at home.

In class, Y4.5 are concluding their work that has been introduced this term.  Y6 children have completed transition work from their secondary schools and undertaken tasks based on The Rainbow Flag Kite Trust award.

On Friday we had our sports day.  The weather was great and everyone performed really well.  Please see the photographs (taken by Mrs Whiting) on our closed Facebook page.  A selection of photographs can be seen below.

Week Ending 2nd July

On Monday and Tuesday children had two SAWG days (science, art, writing and geography).  This was a great way to start the final part of the summer term after assessment week.  Year 4 and Year 5.6 complete different activities.  In Year 4, children based their learning on sound.  In Year 5.6, children based their learning on changes of materials.

From Wednesday onwards, children reflected on their papers from last week - celebrating successes as well as identifying areas for development.  Year 4.5 completed some English and maths skills based work before finishing their current topic activities as well as finishing their ongoing art/DT project.

Year 6 children started their transition work for secondary school, some children even had visits (following government guidelines within bubbles).  We also spent time reflecting on our diverse society - under the umbrella theme of 'different families one love'.  This work included aspects of our work based from the Rainbow Flag Kite Trust.

We have started rehearsing for our end of year show 'The Wizard of Oz'.  This year we will be recording our show (as current government and local authority guidelines prevent visitors into the school).  We will be sharing this with other members of the school and families using memory sticks or CD-ROMs.

SAWG photographs

Year 6 sharing books with Mars class

Week Ending 25th June

This week has been our Summer Term assessment week.  All children completed reading, SPAG and maths papers.  Next week we will look through these papers and celebrate year group successes as well as identify where we need to concentrate our learning moving forward.

We have spent time finishing work based on our topic as well as looking at the articles (areas of study) from our Rights Respecting Schools Award (RRSA) topic coverage.  This week we focused our attention on refugees.

Year 6 have started their 'in school' transition work.  This will be continued in the coming weeks.

Finally, this week we shared the casting for The Wizard of Oz.  We will be working on this play throughout the next few weeks.  This show will be recorded so everyone can enjoy this story.

Week Ending 18th June

This week in English we have concluded our work on The Tempest.  Children have contributed to a whole class narrative for the play as well as writing a newspaper article about an event during the play.  These need to be edited and rewritten next week (final copy).  In maths we have consolidated some topics in preparation for our assessment week (next week).  We also finished our work on geometry for this part of the term.  In science Y4 continued their work on sound and Y5.6 completed an investigation on thermal insulation.

On Tuesday afternoon, all children contributed in The Big Sing (run by Young Voices).  We joined in with thousands of other children singing 'Lovely Day' also using sign language.

Children also need to complete their flip learning homework based on 'Healthy Eating and Exercise' for a session that will be completed (using information gathered for the homework task) next week.

Week Ending 11th June

This week in English we looked at a character study of Caliban (from The Tempest) and looked at Shakespearean love sonnets.  In maths all years continued their work on geometry with Y4 looking at triangles and quadrilaterals, Y5 looking at angles and Y6 constructing 2D shapes.  In science Y4 children went on a sound hunt (listening for different sounds) and Y5.6 finished their work on life cycles and started thinking about their new topic for this term 'changes in materials'.

In topic we completed research on The Globe Theatre and we are at the finishing stages of our portraits and frame constructing in art (based on Tudor images).  We also looked at the importance of internet safety in line with using the internet more in 2020/2021 due to online materials available due to the pandemic.

Week Ending 28th May

This week in English we have continued our work on The Tempest.  We have looked at the relationships between characters and thought about how they are perceived to others.  We have used video clips as well as extracts from adaptions of the play to help us with our learning.  In maths, Y4.5 have looked at money and different units of measure (within the metric system) - focusing on fluency before moving onto problem solving activities.  Y6 children have spent their week looking at position and direction - focusing on the use of co-ordinates.  We have also spent some time looking at Sir Francis Drake as well as the Spanish Armada in 1958.

Thank you to all children that handed in their home learning projects last week, unfortunately we have not been able to share these in class (due to remote learning), so these will be looked at and celebrated after the half term holidays.

On our Saturn class home learning page, you will find some activities that you may wish to complete during this half term.  These are completely optional.

Week Ending 21st May

In English this week we were introduced to our second play from Shakespeare, 'The Tempest'.  As a class we predicted character traits from an opening drama and tableaux activity before reading the story.  Our class is aware of the story content and can share behaviours from different characters.  In maths, Y4.5 have worked on decimal numbers and Y6 have worked on geometry - looking at areas of triangles and parallelograms.  In science Y4 children had a teaser session on sound (their next block of work) and Y5.6 concluded their learning on life cycles.  We hope that Y5.6 will be able to present their findings within a 60 second video report of a living creature/animal of their choice.

In topic we looked at the development of the English Navy under Henry VIII and Elizabeth I.  We also looked at Sir Francis Drake and the Mary Rose - this will also lead into next week's learning.

We had our final cricket session this week, it has been great to see the development of everyone's skills with bowling, throwing and catching, batting and fielding over the last five weeks.

We had the pleasure of a literal field trip this week in forest school.  We went to the neighbouring fields to complete a mini art project based on plants and growth found naturally.

Field trip photographs and art work based from field trip

Week Ending 14th May

This week we concluded our work on Romeo and Juliet in English.  Our task was write a letter to Romeo from either Juliet or the Friar sharing the 'fake death' plan.  Once again we completed a longer writing morning on Friday for another piece of evidence in our exciting writing books.  In maths Y6 children have been looking at measurements and converting metric units.  Y4.5 have started to consolidate their understanding of fractions of amounts (linked to our division work in previous weeks).  In science Y4 continued working on food chains and Y5.6 looked at different gestation periods of a variety of living creatures.

A huge thank you and well done to all the children that completed our remote learning tasks on Thursday, all work submitted to Tapestry has been commented on and filed in each child's journal.

Week Ending 7th May

This week we looked at character studies from Romeo and Juliet in English.  What were their character traits?  What was the explanation behind their actions?  We compared the similarities between Romeo and Juliet and some of their differences.  In maths Y4.5 continued their understanding with multiplication and division and some started to look at reasoning and problem solving tasks.  Y6 children completed reasoning tasks based on all four number operations.  This week, we celebrated Number Day on Friday.  Children completed a variety of tasks including: countdown, TTRockstars, online games and guess my number.  This was a great way to conclude our four-day week.

It was great to see children completing their next stage of our Art/DT project of creating a frame for their Tudor style self-portrait, this will need to continue into future weeks.

In topic, we looked at the English Renaissance and how this evolved from the early 16th century to the early 17th century.  Y6 children also finalised our 'Inquisitor Questions' for independent research tasks to match our topic work this term.

Week Ending 30th April

This week in English we have read the end half of Romeo and Juliet.  We completed comprehension questions based on the text as well as worked out Shakespearean language.  We concluded our week with acting out scenes from the play.  In maths we all have consolidated our understanding of multiplication and division.  Some years focused purely on fluency where others touched on problem solving tasks and NRich investigations.  In science Y4 continued their work on food chains (after concluding their investigation with teeth - using eggs and different liquids) and Y5.6 looked at the early human stage of development (babies).  In topic we looked at some of the decisions of Henry VIII and researched the dissolution on monasteries.  All years spent a session thinking about how we learn and potential boundaries (growth mindset).

Year 4 science experiment

Week Ending 23rd April

This week we started our English and Maths lessons for this term.  In English we completed a quick research on William Shakespeare and started to look at Romeo and Juliet.  We had to identify some Shakespearean language as well as share the content to the first half of the story.  On Friday we spend most of the morning looking at writing, where we were able to complete a piece of exciting writing, which will be edited next week.  In maths all children were consolidating their understanding of addition and subtraction.  In science, Y4 children looked at food chains and Y5.6 looked at the different stages of human development.  We continued developing our skills in cricket, this week's focus was throwing and catching.  We also took part in the National Skipping Week challenge, where we had to complete as much skipping as we could within ten minutes.

Skipping week photographs

Week Ending 16th April

We started this term with two days based on our topic and two days on science.

This term our topic is 'Lights, Camera, Action!' with a focus on the end of the Tudor period in the Elizabethan era.  Work throughout the term will include Shakespeare as well as events during this time.  This week we looked at eras in British history as well as spending some time researching facts about Elizabeth I.

In science we completed lessons based on child-led enquiry.  Our theme was around water and bubbles.  We also spent some time setting up an enquiry experiment based on teeth (Y4) and in Y5.6 making flour babies that will need to be looked after for the duration of this half term to allow the children to take responsibility of something else as well as themselves (based on our life cycle of mammals block of work).

It has been great to start the term in this way and we look forward to returning to a normal timetable next week.  Remember, there is remote learning tasks set up each week in case of a possible bubble closure.

Photographs from our science days


We are now able to welcome all children back into school.  Our remote learning webpage and resources are still available.  Please use the link below if your child is unable to attend school, either for a bubble closure or self-isolating.

Click the link here to access resources.

Week Ending 26th March

For the start of this week, we looked the papers that were completed last week.  Successes were celebrated and we worked through some of the trickier questions - thinking of known skills to help us answer them correctly.  We also finished our current science unit of work.  Y4 finished their tasks based on teeth and Y5.6 concluded their circulatory system work with a science enquiry mini investigation.

Throughout the week we spent time completing our DT project pop-up books.  The children had to persevere with this task, as they needed to keep a positive mindset to produce a product similar to their original plan.  At times, we all found combining the book quite tricky!!

We finished our week with our Spring Term reward day.  This had an Easter theme - with constructing paper models of rabbits and chicks, taking part in an Easter egg hunt and making chocolate nests.  It was a great way to finish this term and I hope everyone enjoys their celebrations at home over the Easter holidays.

Reward Day (final day of term)

Week Ending 19th March

This week children completed reading, SPAG and maths papers - to identify successes as well as possible gaps in learning from this term.  The results of the papers will be shared with the children next week; also forming part of the curriculum coverage next week.

Additional to this, we started our pop-up book DT project.  The other classes completed a survey to see what types of books they would be interested in reading from Saturn class children.  We looked at different types of 3D books and practised the skill of bringing books to life with pop-up pages.

On Friday we celebrated Comic Relief with some activities during the afternoon - giving us 'light relief' from the normal weekly timetable.

Comic Relief

Week Ending 12th March

It was absolutely wonderful to see all of the children in Saturn returning to school this week!  We started our week with a couple of well-being and pastoral days - reflecting on learning from home as well as reminding ourselves of collaborating and working with others on a large scale (whole class).

This week we also celebrated British Science Week (5th March - 14th March).  This year the theme was "Innovation for the future".  We complete different activities ranging from Robo-bugs to how inventions from the past still can be developed and evolved in the present.  We also spent some time reflecting on our science home learning activities as well as continuing with (Y4) the digestive system and (Y5.6) the circulatory system.

British Science Week

World Book Day Activity - Book Scavenger Hunt

Week Ending 5th March

This week in English we looked at explanation texts.  Some of our reading was based from the book 'Until I Met Dudley' and we had to incorporate grammar skills into our writing.  In maths all years looked at addition and subtraction (based on fluency), with Year 6 children also looking at multiplication and division.  They also worked on calculations that included BODMAS.  In science Year 4 children looked at the functions of the different part of the digestive system and Year 5.6 children looked at the functions of the different parts of the circulatory system.

This week children completed some growth mindset activities at home, thinking about different types of learners and knowing that we all face challenges and focusing on our attitude to want to succeed.

This week was also World Book Day and we joined together to celebrate this event on our whole school zoom assembly.

Next week we are super excited to welcome the children back to school.  Please make sure that you understand our precautions that are in place to ensure the highest level of safety for all people who are present on our school grounds and building.

World Book Day hats (4th March)

Week Ending 26th February

This week in English we have spent some time concentrating on grammar.  This has included speech, beginning sentences in interesting ways, identifying different types of clauses and the use of parenthesis.  This focus was consolidated at the end of the week with writing a story based on or about 'Hope'.  In maths, Y4.5 have been undergoing problems and calculations based on area and perimeter.  Y6 have looked at ratio and proportion.  In science we have all moved onto the human body, with Y4 completing work on the digestive system and Y5.6 completing work on the circulatory system.

In PSHE this week we have looked at the negative effects of stereotyping and prejudice.  We have also completed some research, in topic, on James I of England.

For our DT task this week, children had to design and make a hat that represents a book character - this will be work in next our whole school assembly next week. 

A Year 6 pupil's PowerPoint on negative effects of stereotypes and prejudice


Some photographs of remote learning


Week Ending 12th February

This week in English we have looked at newspapers.  We started with features and planned a newspaper article - some children linked this with their current topic learning.  In maths Year 4 looked at angles and classified 2D shapes.  Year 5 mathematicians looked at measurement and converting between different units of measure within the metric system.  Year 6 children investigated angles and worked out missing information problems within familiar 2D shapes.

Our topic and science this week summarised our learning and we asked children to share their knowledge that they have gained this half term.

This week we celebrated Safer Internet Day (9th February).  We completed a remote learning task based on the theme "An Internet we trust: exploring reliability in the online world".

We hope everyone has a rest next week and we are looking forward to having you all back to school as soon as we can.

Some photographs of remote learning

Week Ending 5th February

This week was National Story Telling Week.  In English we looked at comparing the structure and features of different versions of the same story.  We based some of our learning of the known story Cinderella.  We completed what the bones of a story would be and changed these for alternate versions.  At the end of the week, all children were invited to write a new 'Cinderella' type story.  Some even adapted known events from Star Wars!!

In maths Year 4 and 5 based their learning on time.  This included reading from analogue and digit clocks as well as looking at timetables and time intervals.  Year 6 looked at algebra and two step equations.  All children spent some time looking at reasoning and problem solving tasks based on their topic.

In science Year 4 children completed activities based on how a switch works and why they are needed.  In Year 5 and 6 we looked at night and day with the apparent movement of the sun across the sky.

This week in topic we continued our research on the Great Plague and had to take the role of a plague doctor.

Some photographs of remote learning - reading


Week Ending 29th January

This week in English we spent some time focused on grammar skills - mainly using punctuation to clarify meaning in complex sentences.  We used our knowledge from last week (and topic) to write a story based on a historical event.

In maths Year 4 children worked on consolidating their understanding of money as well as completing addition and subtraction calculations.  In Year 5 we looked at the connections between fractions, decimals and percentages as well as working out the percentages of an amount.  In Year 6 we looked at fractions ranging from comparisons to using all four number operations.

In science Year 4 children looked at how simple electrical circuits worked.  In Year 5 and 6 we looked at how the planets move in our solar system.

In topic we moved onto the Great Plague and thought about what life would be like during those times.

We had snow!!

Some photographs of remote learning

Week Ending 22nd January

This week in English our children started to read a book based on the Great Fire of London.  They had to retell the story in chronological order and think about the appropriateness and effective use of vocabulary in response to facts and images.

In maths Year 4 consolidated their understanding of fractions of a whole and progressed to work on counting fractions and equivalence.  In Year 5 children looked at decimal numbers, comparing decimals as well as using sequences.  In Year 6 children worked on calculating percentages and worked on calculations with missing values.

In science Year 4 were identifying different types of appliances in and around home/school and researched renewable energy sources.  In Year 5 and 6 we looked at the order of planets in the solar system as well as finding out facts.  An extension task was to make a 3D model of the solar system.

In topic we researched events based around the Great Fire of London and though of the impact it had on the city.

Week Ending 15th January

In English we looked at drawing inferences in characters' feelings from a text.  We also looked at the passive and active voice and worked on including these within sentences.

In maths Year 4 children worked on decimals, identifying digits as well as comparing numbers.  Year 5 looked at fractions which included equivalence aa well as recognising improper and mixed fractions.  Year 6 looked at decimals including equivalence with fractions and calculations decimal number bonds.

In science Year 4 started their work on electricity and Year 5 and 6 started their work on our solar system.

Our topic for this week was based on the significance of the Great Fire of London.


Week Ending 8th January

This week we started our Spring Term with 2 days based on RE activities and 2 days introducing our topic of The Stuarts (Travel Through Space and Time).

We based our first RE day on peace and the second on worship.  We looked at peace across religions, comparisons across religions and concluded day one with inner peace (identifying techniques that religions use).  On day two we considered the value of having worth, we were self reflective with prayer and looked at religious art and how this is perceived.

In topic we looked at a monarch time line and researched facts.  We selected a line of enquiry that could be compared between monarchs - e.g. length of time being king or queen, reasoning for ending reign, etc.


In Saturn class Mr Nelson will remain as the class teacher with Ms Smith as our HLTA.

We hope that you have all had a restful break over the Christmas and New Year period and are looking forward to returning to school.



Week Ending 18th December

This is the final week of the Autumn Term! This has been a challenging term due to all changes in school that we have had to make due to our current situations.  A huge well done needs to be shared for all children and staff working in Saturn class as we have completed activities and tasks as close to 'normal' as possible.

This week we celebrated our Christingle service, with a live stream from Ely cathedral as well as our own service on the playground.  We also had St Neots Football Club provide an additional PE session for us.  We had a DT project day - incorporating forest school tasks.  This was all additional to completing our English and maths work for the term!!

Children also had time to share their humanities projects (homework 4wk task) with their peers - a display has been created outside Pluto classroom.  We all had one final science session this week to consolidate our understanding of states of matter (Y4) and forces (Y5.6).

The week was concluded with our termly reward day, we completed Christmas activities, end of term quizzes and watched a festive film in the afternoon.

Adults working in Saturn class wish all children to have a wonderful Christmas break.  We look forward to seeing you all in the New Year!


Week Ending 11th December

This week in English we have planned, written and editing our own version of a myth.  We started with creating a story hill, from this we wrote our myth and then edited our work.  An additional lesson was completed using 'editing stations' where children rotated similar to a carousal to improve their work.  In maths Y4.5 have continued with their multiplication and division work and Y6 have concluded their work on fractions (this week we incorporated BODMAS with our calculations).  In science Y4 have completed their penultimate lesson on 'states of matter' and Y5.6 also had their penultimate lesson on 'forces'.  We hope (next week) to have the Y5.6 final lesson outside completing a fun practical activity based around rockets and parachutes (consolidating our knowledge on air resistance).  This week all children had their last taught lessons on the culture of China - looking at traditions as well as tourist attractions.

This Friday was Christmas Jumper Day.  A huge thank you to all families that brought in a donation for this worthwhile charity.

Only five more school days to go until the Christmas holidays!!!!

Week Ending 4th December

We are in the first week of advent!! The classrooms have been decorated and we have added a personal touch with elves around the rooms with our children's faces on (don't worry, you'll be seeing these at the end of term when the children bring them home!).

This week we spent some time looking through our assessment papers and we have identified successes and areas to work on in reading, SPAG and maths.  In English we have looked at images of caves and worked on vocabulary that could be used to describe this setting (which can be used in next weeks work).  In maths we have completed some NRich activities based on multiplication (focusing on knowledge up to 12x12).  In topic we have looked at the China's economic growth and its effect of the country.

The deadline for our humanities homework project is approaching, Tuesday 15th December, we hope projects are well underway and some are almost complete.

Only two weeks to go before the holidays!  

Week Ending 27th November

This week was assessment week.  Papers covered were: reading, SPAG, maths (arithmetic and reasoning) and we completed a written task (in our exciting writing books).  Well done to everyone for attempting the papers to the best of their ability.  Next week we will be looking at the successes and areas for improvement across all papers.

Additional to assessments, we completed our normal timetable of foundation subjects.  We had a slightly different PE session this week, where we were able to have a zoom chat with a professional footballer!  This helped us understand the importance of team spirit as well as developing core skills.

Yr 5.6 Science: Understanding forces and measuring in Newtons

Week Ending 20th November

These weeks in English we have focused on grammar tasks using ideas from myths that have been looked at based around dragons.  In maths Y4.5 have continued their learning on multiplying and dividing and Y6 have started work on fractions. In science Y4 children have started looking at 'states of matter' and Y5.6 children have started looking at 'forces and magnets'.  Our topic has moved onto culture in China, work over the coming weeks will be geography focused and will also cover some content on culture through time.


We hope all children have started their 4 week humanities project (home learning task for this half term).  Remember, this project should be based on something of interest where children can spend approximately four hours their completing work.  Please be as creative as possible.  This could include models, videos, posters, pictures, PowerPoints, a fact file, a book, a leaflet, etc.  We hope children take the time to plan, research, complete and present their work to the standards that we expect in school.  Once again, it is the responsibility of the children to complete parts of this project each week, as the adults working in Saturn may ask for a 'catch-up' on how the project is going.  We have requested that children are able to share/talk about what has been completed so far on Wednesday 25th November.


Next week is our assessment week.  Children will be assessed on their SPAG, reading and maths skills.  Some papers have already been completed.

Week Ending 13th November

This week we have started to look at myths in English.  We have listed the features of these types of stories and acting out (drama) key events.  In maths Y4.5 have looked at multiplying and dividing by multiples of 10 as well as looking at multiplication calculations and factors of numbers.  In Y6 we have consolidated our understanding of formal methods for working out multiplication and division calculations.  In science all year groups have finished their work on classification and identification keys.

This week we commemorated the men and women who fought (or still fighting) in wars and protecting us all.  Our Remembrance Service was led by our Y6 children and was attended by all people in school.  This is always a very powerful service and everyone was able to reflect and be thankful for our armed forces.

This Friday was Children In Need.  We wore crazy socks (photos can be seen on our gallery page).  Thank you for all of your kind donations, either for wearing crazy socks or competing in the duck race.  We will share our total money raised shortly.

Week Ending 6th November

It has been a very practical start to the second half of the Autumn Term.  On Wednesday Saturn class completed their design technology project that was started before the holidays.  On Thursday we had the opportunity to have HSSP deliver an OAA (Outdoor Adventurous Activities) morning.  Children completed orienteering as well as problem solving tasks within groups.  On Friday we had our outdoor classroom day.  This included some English, maths, science and art content.  We also had a great time around the fire pit (with Mrs Tickle) learning about fire safety and eating cooked marshmallows!