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Week Commencing 3rd February 2020

Week commencing 3rd February 2020


This week in English year 1 have been exploring SPAG (spelling, punctuation and grammar) activities with a focus on making singular nouns plural. We learnt about the suffixes -s and -es and the rules we use when applying these. The children really impressed me with how hard they worked on these! Whilst year 1 have been busy with that, reception have been busy practising their letter formation and writing simple sentences. They wow me every day with how well they are doing, with some children even remembering capital letters, full stops and finger spaces! We are really beginning to see their phonics skills being applied to their writing. Well done everyone!


In Maths this week we have had a big focus on 2D and 3D shapes reminding ourselves of their names and exploring their properties. This included going on a shape hunt around the school. We were all amazed at how many shapes we found in and around our school both in and outside! 


In Art and Topic this week we learnt about illuminated letters and how they were used in medieval times. The children then had a go at creating their own illuminated letters carefully considering the colours, lines and shapes they were using. I think you’ll agree they look fantastic!
