Year 4 Summer Term Statutory Assessments
Year 6 Summer Term Statutory Assessments
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SATURN CLASS 2021.2022
We are all looking forward to all children returning to school for the Autumn Term. We will be starting the term with a whole school project. The class will complete work based on 'The Promise' by Nicola Davies - which will also be linked with our topic for this term 'Then and now, near and far'.
In Saturn class Mr Nelson will remain as the class teacher with Ms Smith as our HLTA. We will also be joined by Mrs Wiseman for either the morning or the afternoon each day throughout the week.
Week Ending 15th July
This week we were thoroughly entertained with children performing in our Rock Steady Concert and at the end of the week we celebrated PE with our sports day. Even though the weather is getting warmer, we kept going as the end of term is fast approaching!
Additional to our main events, we continued work with subject themed days. Subjects covered were: DT, PSHE (Kite Award lessons and Y6 Growing Up and Moving On) and topic.
On Wednesday evening, Year 6 children cam back to school for their end of year Garden Party.
Photographs of these events can be seen on our closed FB page.
Next week is the final week of term. Remember, we have a red alter weather warning. Please ensure that children have plenty of water and are prepared for soaring temperatures. We may need to attempt some lessons, due to the heat. Many thanks in advance for your understanding.
Week Ending 8th July
Wow! What a week! The main event for us in Saturn was performing our show "Cinderella & Rockerfella". Everyone worked so hard, as we had lots of last minute changes (due to illnesses). The children performed brilliantly and the audience loved how entertaining the show was.
Aside from the show, children continued their learning based on topic and DT lessons that needed to be completed.
Week Ending 1st July
Rehearsals are still underway for our performance of Cinderella & Rockerfella. This week we have been joined by Y3 children, who will be supporting us with singing and adding presence to the stage.
We have analysed our assessment papers (from last week) and completed some art/DT work as well as planning for our final written task for the term.
Week Ending 24th June
This week we have spent quite some time rehearsing for our end of year performance of Cinderella & Rockerfella. Children have worked really hard to learn songs, follow staging directions and becoming more familiar with their lines.
Additional to rehearsals, we have completed an assessment week for this term. Y4.5 children have looked at reading, SPAG and maths papers. Y6 children have already been formally assessed this term (SATs) so they completed additional tasks, some RRSA based, some science and preparing for the show.
Week Ending 17th June
This week in English we completed our assessment week paper for SPAG as well as continue our work on poetry. The theme of our poem this week was based on the lava-boarding poem read previously. We watched information videos as well as magpied ideas. As Y6 children have completed all of their end of year assessments, they worked on learning their lines for the summer play as well as RRSA activities. In maths, Y4 worked on calculations involving money, Y5 consolidated their learning on the four number operations and Y6 worked on investigations ranging from dot patterns to building pyramids!
We have now started our rehearsals for Cinderella & Rockerfella, early days but the show looks good so far! Tickets will be available from the school office. We have three performances - 6th July and 7th July (there is an evening performance on 7th July). We hope to see as many parents as possible.
Week Ending 10th June
Welcome back to the final half term of the school year!!
This week, in English we have started our work on poetry - children have spent the week listening to different poems, identifying patterns within poems and used visualisation to convey their thoughts about the theme and message from poems. In maths, Y4 started their work on money, Y5 worked on area and volume and Y6 continued their work on problem solving and investigations. Also this week, some children attended another DLPT sports event - once again, we worked well as a combined team with KPA in a dodgeball tournament.
We have started to look at our end of year KS2 performance - this year Y3-Y6 children will be performing the show "Cinderella & Rockerfella". This is the first time GSPA have performed this show. Auditions and rehearsals will take place in coming weeks as we perform to our very first live audience for years (due to the world-wide pandemic).
The timetable over the coming weeks may vary for children, due to a variety of commitments. Throughout this half term, children will be reminded of the importance of independence and how this can be used to self-motivate oneself with continually challenging themselves with their own learning.
Week Ending 27th May
This week Y5.6 children had a RE school trip - our Lifepath trip at Olney. We spent the day singing, finding out historical facts and celebrating the life and achievements of John Newton (writer and composer of the well-known Christian hymn "Amazing Grace").
We also had a few sports events with Y4 and Y5 children both attending a DLPT sports morning. All children enjoyed themselves and worked well as a combined team with KPA.
Back in school, in English we concluded our work on Odysseus with writing another chapter to the book - thinking about a further adventure that he went on. In maths, Y4.5 looked at statistics and Y6 worked on problem solving and investigations. In science, Y4 worked on food chains and Y5.6 children continued their work on evolution and inheritance - looking a new breed of dog!
It has been a jam-packed half term and I hope that you all enjoyed a well-earned break for the half term. Don't forget our extra day off, so children will return to school on Tuesday 7th June.
Week Ending 20th May
This week in English we have looked at exploring characters through hot-seating as well as writing a recount in the role of Odysseus. In maths Year 4.5 worked on position and direction that included: co-ordinates, translations and describing movements between points/shapes. Year 6 continued working on investigations that included: probability and understanding worded problems based on all four number operations. In science Year 4 learned about food chains and Year 5.6 focused on physical and behaviour traits on living creatures and designing a new species of dog. This week we returned to the swimming pool on Monday and as always concluded our week with Mrs Griffiths with an afternoon of PE on Friday.
Week Ending 13th May
This week Year 6 children completed their SATs papers in reading, SPAG and maths. Well done to all children who sat the papers and surviving Mr Nelson's breakfasts!!
The remainder of the class continued with their normal timetabled English and maths lessons in the mornings. In English we continued hearing adventures of Odysseus and we wrote poetry. In maths we looked at geometry - focusing on properties of 2D shape. In science Year 4 children continued their teeth experiment and started their work on food chains. Year 5.6 children continued their work on evolution and inheritance focusing on physical and behavioural traits offspring get from their parents.
Week Ending 6th May
Year 6 have continued to work extremely hard preparing for their SATs assessments next week - I hope that they are all looking forward to their breakfasts in school!
In maths, Year 4 and 5 have consolidated their knowledge of all four number operations in addition to solving worded problems. In English, Year 4 and 5 have continued to learn about the Adventures of Odysseus, writing a diary entry in role as one of Odysseus’ soldiers and composing poetry in response to his journey into the Greek underworld.
In our science sessions Year 4 started their teeth decay experiment using different drinks and eggs. They selected drinks that they often have, as well as one container holding porridge, honey and milk! Year 5 and 6 examined fossil evidence of prehistoric creatures and acted like palaeontologists, making informed inferences about what the creatures may have been like when they were alive. They considered how fossils lend support to the theory of evolution.
We concluded the week with another great PE session with Mrs Griffiths. There was no swimming this week due to the bank holiday and there will be no swimming next week (due to SATs). We will resume swimming on the 16th May.
Week Ending 29th April
This week Saturn have continued learning about the adventures of Odysseus by learning about the story of the Cyclops. The children practised retelling the story in their own words, in addition to writing a play script using pages from the book for content.
In Maths, Year 4 and 5 have been studying how to find the area and perimeter of 2D shapes. Year 6 have continued to revise their previous learning in English and Maths
In Science, Year 4 have begun planning their final investigation on teeth - where they are using eggs and different liquids to see how shells start to decay (like teeth). Year 5 and 6started their work on evolution and inheritance, we had many discussions including how dinosaurs became extinct while other creatures like birds survived.
In Topic, we spent some time on chronology - arranging events from Ancient Greek history on a timeline and we start to find information out about Alexander the Great and Ancient Greek Empires.
Week Ending 22nd April
Welcome back to Saturn Class! We wasted no time in diving into our new topic of Ancient Greece. The children have had the opportunity to research modern day Greece, as well as pose their own questions to investigate during their learning.
In English, the children have begun work on a new text, ‘The adventures of Odysseus’. They began by organising their knowledge of Greek Mythology, creating an information poster about one of the Greek Gods and making predictions about what they think will happen later in the narrative.
In Maths, Year 4 and 5 have learned more about telling the time from analogue and digital clocks, using 12 hour and 24 hour clock, as well as converting amounts of time into different units of measurement.
Year 6 have been working extremely hard in their revision sessions, revisiting their previous learning before their SATS assessments. They have also been practising for their Young Voices concert at the O2 Arena next week.
Week Ending 1st April
This week we celebrated Easter by going to the church and shared facts about this Christian festival. We also had our forest school day based on our topic (WWII). Children had to work as a team to build shelter as well as prepare food for war and we also role-played life within the trenches. On our penultimate day of term, we spent the day having an Art/DT day where we continued with our sewing. The final day of term was our Reward Day.
Some photographs taken during our forest school day
Week Ending 25th March
This week we celebrating careers week. Children had the opportunity to listen to a variety of visitors (Zoom and face-to-face) who shared information about their jobs - sharing skills needed to complete their profession, how they decided on their career as well as having Q&A sessions. It was a great opportunity for the children to think about their own careers in the future.
When in class, in English we focused on non-chronological reports based on WWII. In maths, Y4 continued their work on decimals (money), Y5 continued their work on percentages and Y6 focused their learning on area and perimeter.
We also had our first school trip (on a bus) for this academic year! We visited Duxford IWM. Photographs of the day have been uploaded to our private FB page. This was a fantastic way to start the conclusion of our topic based on Battle of Britain.
Week Ending 18th March
This week was our British Science Week. Our class starting the week with an assembly and workshop from Professor Bubbleworks. We also had a number of visitors present their jobs, time away or science experiments. The children learnt so much from our visitors and it was great to see so much excitement and knowledge being shared!
In addition to this, in English we continued our work on Goodnight Mr Tom and worked to generate a gazette (similar to one from WWII). In maths, Y4 worked on money (linked to decimals), Y5 worked on percentages and Y6 worked on units of measurement.
Week Ending 11th March
This week was assessment week. Every ten weeks we check up on children's reading, SPAG and maths skills. Our children's attitude towards these assessments was brilliant and we will celebrate successes and identify areas for development next week.
Additional to this, Y4 children completed a practical task in science about the digestive system and Y5.6 children compared the two different theories on the solar system - geocentric and heliocentric. In topic, we looked at rationing and compared food provisions from the past to the present. During forest school this week, Y6 children made their natural material toys that can be added to their evacuation boxes.
Photographs from forest school - DT natural material evacuation toys
Week Ending 4th March
In English this week, we have read up to the end of chapter 8 of Goodnight Mr Tom. We are continually finding out more things about Willie and Tom's relationship with one another. In our written work, we have had a SPAG focus - focusing on sentence structure and how we can expand from simple independent phrases. In maths, Y4.5 children have started their work on decimals and Y6 have started working with algebra. This week, we celebrated World Book Day. Saturn class dressed up as different Michael Morpurgo characters - this was a slightly different take on World Book Day this year. A huge thank you must be shared towards our PTA who kindly bought every child in the school a book from a chosen author. Photographs have been shared on our closed Facebook page.
Week Ending 25th February
This week we continued reading Goodnight Mr Tom and looked into Anderson shelters. We researched information that would aid us in writing a set of instructions to build one. In maths we concluded our work with consolidation of the four number operations - leading to multi-step problems. In science Y4 children continued with their work on the digestion system and Y5.6 concluded their work on the planets within the solar system. During topic sessions, children looked at the Home Front.
Week Ending 11th February
This week in English we looked at poetry inspired by evacuation (WWII link). Children were inspired by photographs as well as war poems for their pieces of work. In maths, Y4.5 concluded their work on fractions (an additional week on this theme), looking at problem solving tasks as well as consolidating skills throughout this half term. Y6 children spend time this week completing old SATs papers, identifying and celebrating successes as well as looking at areas for development across reading, SPAG and maths. In science, Y4 children continued their work on the digestion system and Y5.6 looked at the different plants in the solar system for their work on Earth and Space.
This week, we also celebrated Safer Internet Day - the theme for this year was "All fun and games? Exploring respect and relationships online". All classes were tasked a different aspect of this theme, Saturn class looked at 'Fake News' and the importance of requesting permission before sharing 'sensitive' information online. We started the day with the digital leads presenting a Zoom assembly and the day was concluded with each class sharing work from their class themes.
The staff who work in Saturn class would like to wish everyone a safe and relaxing half term and we look forward to your return to school on Tuesday 22nd February.
Week Ending 4th February
This week we had to evacuate!! Children took part in a role play exercise where they were required to evacuate from an urban area to a rural one. We experienced what it would be like during an air-raid siren and having to shelter under tables. We then needed to receive our evacuation tags and walk to the nearest train station. We then endured a steam train ride to our destinations, not knowing where they were and which family we were joining. This role play scenario inspired the children for their English writing for both persuasive writing and writing a letter home to our loved ones.
Back in the present, we continued to looked at fractions in maths for Y4.5 and Y6 moved onto working with ratios. In science all children started a new theme: Y4 looked at the digestive system and Y5.6 looked at Earth and Space.
Photographs of our role play evacuation (English and topic link)
Week Ending 28th January
This week we concluded our English work on FArTHER and children wrote a story from a different viewpoint. The events remained the same and they were required to add SPAG elements recently looked at into their work. In maths, Y4 and Y5 continued their work on fractions - looking at fractions that are greater than 1 whole. Y6 moved to working on percentages and worked out (using links with decimals and fractions) percentages of amounts. In science, we concluded our work on pulleys, levers and gears by sharing information as well as designing a mechanism that could be used to move heavy loads (linked to our topic). In topic this week, we created some inquisitor questions that promote our curiosity through independent learning of both world wars.
Photographs from PE gymnastics lesson
Week Ending 21st January
We started this week with a Zoom training session with Wood Green Animal Shelter about dog body language and thinking about how dogs can communicate with us. This was following by Saturn class attending a live online English poetry session where we wrote our own poem about feelings with many other schools in England.
During our 'normal' English lessons this week we continued working on FArTHER and focused once again on P.E.E (point of view, evidence and explanations). We based lot of our work from images from the book where the boy watches his father leave for war. Our exciting writing session this week included a drama section where children experienced preparing for war and spending time in the trenches. The written task was writing a diary entry about our experience during the first night in the trenches with other soldiers.
In maths Y4.5 worked on fractions and Y6 continued their work using decimals. Our science this week was again based whole class and Y6 children presented pulleys and gears to other class members, thinking out the force applied to move objects.
Photographs from our science lesson on pulleys and gears
Week Ending 14th January
This week children returned to the normal timetable set up. In English, we were introduced to the book FArTHER. We had to interpret characterisation from the pictures and images and think about sharing points of view, explaining and evidencing (P.E.E). In maths, Y4 and Y5 worked on fractions and Y6 worked on decimals. Within our fraction work, we looked at unit and non-unit fractions, comparing and ordering as well as working out equivalent fractions. In decimal lessons, Y6 worked on place value of digits within numbers, rounding and multiplied numbers by multiples of ten. The whole class worked on the same theme in science of forces. This week we investigated pulleys and how they can be used to move a heavy load with less force. Children were introduced to the RRSA theme of 'goals in education', they will work on this theme next week. Children have continued their work on WW1 with placing events on timelines as well as finishing work from creative week.
Photographs from our science lesson on levers
Week Ending 7th January
It's been a three day week for the children and one of those days we spent the day at Grafham Water! The children had a great time developing their teamwork skills, building self confidence as well as motivating others to achieve their best! Some of the photographs from our day can be seen below.
In school, children have been introduced to our topic for this term 'Battle of Britain'. We will be focusing our learning initially on WWI and the remainder of the term we will be focusing on WWII. This week children have looked at timelines, a brief introduction to what started the wars, sorting facts cards, creating their own cover for their topic books as well as starting a silhouette war image and collaging an evacuation box. We have experienced our very first air raid siren and some children have even used some of their tokens from their January ration book.
A small selection of photographs from Grafham. Many more photographs will be used for a display board in school.
Christmas Jumper Day photographs
Week Ending 10th December
In English this week we have looked at poetry - looking at different figurative language as well as performing verses and create word banks for our own pieces of writing. In maths. Y4.5 have looked at statistics (different types of graphs) and Y6 have concentrated on geometry (including translations and reflections on a co-ordinate grid). In science, Y4 completed practical work on investigating sound and Y5.6 had their first attempt on creating different circuits with different components to control lights. In topic we all looked at changes in Kimbolton over many years (through photographs) and thought about possible changes for the future years.
We also had our Christingle service on Monday and supported the KS1 nativity, being the choir and sharing the nativity story through carols.
Next week is the last week of term. We will be concluding our learning based on topics/tasks started already and we will have a festive end to this term with Christmas activities as well as our reward day.
Week Ending 3rd December
This week children looked their assessment papers to celebrate successes as well as look at areas that they were less confident in. Additional to this, in English we wrote newspaper articles based on the book Tuesday. In maths Y4.5 looked at division of number and Y6 concluded their work on fractions (multiplying and dividing fractions by fractions).
During our RRSA sessions, we looked at children with disabilities (based on the International Day of People with Disabilities). In art we linked our drawing work with our local history theme, looking at one-point perspective drawing.
Week Ending 26th November
This week was our Autumn Term assessment week. Children completed reading, SPAG and maths papers. Additional to our assessment papers, we continued our work on the local area in topic as well as finding time to create some electrical circuits in science! For our RRSA work this week, we celebrated World Children's Day.
Year 5 and 6 - Electrical circuit photographs
Week Ending 19th November
This week was anti-bullying week as well as celebrating and raising money for Children In Need. We spent time dedicating part of our week looking at these events additional to normal lessons.
In English we spent part of the week based on a SPAG focus with concluding our learning looking at features of newspaper articles. In maths, Y4 continued their learning of the x7 and x9 multiplication and division facts. Y5 looked at prime numbers as well as square and cube numbers. Y6 continued their work on fractions, using all four number operations. In science, Y4 based their learning on how we hear sounds and Y5.6 looked at circuits and symbols for electrical appliances.
Week Ending 12th November
This week in English we continued our work on 'Tuesday'. Children looked at different types of speech in writing as well as some additional SPAG skills. In our exciting writing lesson, we looked at planning and writing a report about incidents that had occurred in the book. In maths, Y4.5 continued their work on multiplication and linked skills (Y5 including factors of numbers). In science, Y4 children started their learning based on sound and Y5.6 started their learning based on electricity. Our topic included timelines as well as researching famous historical people based on the local area.
On Thursday (11th November) we dedicated part of our day remembering all the fallen soldiers and animals who lost their lives in the First World War and wars afterwards. Our homework was also focused on remembrance. Please note that homework now is fortnightly, with Maths Whizz and spellings remaining weekly. Children are still expected to read regularly (4 or 5 times per week) and access TTRockstars.
Week Ending 5th November
What an interesting scenario from our book Tuesday (by David Wiessman)! What could be happening here?
As a class we have looked at what could have happened on the night of Tuesday. We have interviewed on another (as a character from the book) and written a play script sharing our findings.
In maths Y4.5 have started their work on multiplication and division. This week they have been looking at multiples and general times table facts. Y6 have calculated division using short and long written methods. In science Y4 looked at heating and cooling (to conclude their states of matter work) and Y5.6 finished their light unit (some children even looking at challenges based on our findings). In topic this week we summarised our work on rivers (also including the practical homework task). Some children completed some pre-teaching of our history based work on the local community. Friday was a very different day for Y6 children, they attended a ballet at the Royal Opera House in London. They watched Giselle, where the story was shared through music and dance. I'm sure this was a treat that will be remembered for a long time!
Week Ending 22nd October
This week we concluded our work on Floodland in English. Our final tasks were to write in the style of Dooby about his past and write a newspaper article about Zoe's journey through the book. In maths, Y4.5 children worked on addition and subtraction number problems and puzzles. Y6 children worked on different formats for multiplication (including reasoning). In science, Y4 children created their water cycle bags showing different states of matter and Y5.6 concluded their work on light. Our river theme in topic has also ended with children looking at dams and how we have 'held back the flood'. Saturn class spent part of Friday morning continuing their river art inspired by Monet.
Thank you to all children that have regularly used our online resources to help progress their learning (e.g. Maths Whizz, TTRockstars and AR Quizzes).
Science in action - colour spectrum and filtering colours
Week Ending 15th October
This week in English we have made some decisions for Zoe about what she should do and we have written rules for living on Eel's Island. In maths Y4.5 children have looked at addition and subtraction and Y5 have looked at multiples and factors as well as using BODMAS for mixed operations. In science Y4 have continued their work on states of matter and Y5.6 continued looking at the colour spectrum and making the colour white.
This week we had our first field trip for the academic year, going to KPA and spending the day focused on our topic. Children spent some time in Kimbolton High Street as well as visiting the River Kym. When back at KPA, we looked at erosion and deposition (how rivers shape the land) and water filtration (cleaning water collected from the River Kym). It was fantastic having Rowan class and Saturn class working together.
Don't forget that next week (Monday 18th October) children will have their individual school photograph.
Week Ending 8th October
This week in English we have analysed options that we feel are available for Zoe from Floodland. We have considered options from different viewpoints and written her a letter stating what we think she should do. We're all looking forward to hearing more of the story to find out what she actually does! In maths, all children have consolidated their understanding of addition and subtraction. This has included problem solving tasks as well as discussion opportunities. In science Y4 have continued with their states of matter work, Y5.6 have investigated refraction of light as well as started to look at the colour spectrum.
During the week, we had some visitors who interviewed some of the children about their learning. I was very impressed with the children's responses to these questions and they confidently shared their learning in Saturn class.
Week Ending 1st October
We started the week very musically with an assembly from Rock Steady! Some of our children have already signed up for lessons (starting next week).
In English we looked at how we perceived characters from Floodland. We also planned and wrote a scene from the book as a play script. In maths Y4.5 looked at different methods for calculating addition and Y6 consolidated their understanding of addition and subtraction. In science Y4 continued their work on states of matter and Y6 looked at refraction of light. In topic this week, we looked at the features of a river and compared different parts to one another.
Additional to our normal timetable, we spent some time celebrating European Languages Day.
Science in action - looking at refraction of light
Week Ending 24th September
In English, we continued our work on Floodland. We looked at character feelings through text and wrote a diary about events. We also looked at the dilemma of Zoe's dad having to decide who to leave behind. In maths, work on place value continued for Y4 and Y5. This included comparing numbers, sequencing and Roman numerals. Y6 children completed old SATs papers, these will be used as a baseline for future learning. In science Y4 children looked at the water cycle and Y5.6 children looked at reflection of light.
Our topic learning this week was focused on major rivers around the world and comparing these to one another. This week we were excited for forest school and the children will spend alternate weeks with Mrs Tickle completing tasks outside. Once again we finished the week with PE and Y6 children going swimming.
Floodland photographs - escaping the island being chased by the gang
Week Ending 17th September
Back to a normal timetable in Saturn! This week in English, children have listened to the first part of our class read 'Floodland' by Marcus Sedgwick. Children have made predictions based on the opening paragraph and also shared what they liked and disliked about the book after hearing the first part. We have also written a character study of Zoe (the main character). In maths, our focus has been number and place value. This is how we always start maths in the new academic year - allowing children to consolidate their previous learning as well as progress to questions/tasks pitched at their new year group. In science, Year 4 have started their work on 'states of matter' and Year 5.6 have started their work on 'light'. Within other subjects we have completed tasks based on our topic of rivers and the local area.
Y5.6 science photographs
Week Ending 10th September
This week in Saturn class we have continued our work from The Promise. This included activities based on environment activism, gardening, going on a field trip around the village and looking at ordnance survey maps (finding green spaces). We also touched on the beginning of our topic this term 'Near and far, now and then'. Additional to these activities, children have completed their half termly star reading quiz (hopefully children will be taking home their assigned level reading books) and they completed the initial academic year Maths Whizz assessment. Year 6 went swimming on Friday afternoon, Mrs Whiting reported that it was fantastic swim and everyone was superb! It's been a great way to start the term and really captivated the children's attention!!
Next week lessons will return to the normal timetable.
Thursday 2nd and Friday 3rd September
The first week back for the children consisted of two days! Although the week was short, we definitely filled it with lots of learning!
Children were welcomed back with a reminder of class rules and expectations. We also reflected on our break from school. We completed work on 'The Promise' by Nicola Davies - linking learning with green space and mental health and well-being. Children looked at a variety of poems based on trees and also completed some art work based on adapting 'plain areas' - making them more pleasant to the eye and inviting for the community.