French for Year 2 (15th July)
As promised last week, here is the whole conversation for buying an ice cream in France. Some of the flavours are easy to guess but the tricky ones are: 'framboise' = raspberry, 'pistache' = pistacchio (a kind of nut) and 'cassis' = blackcurrant. Try to remember whether to say 'au' or 'à la' in front of the flavour.
Try to practise out loud, choosing different flavours each time.
Can you colour the ice creams in the correct colour for their flavours?
French for Year 2 (8th July)
This is how to buy an ice cream in French in a café.
The first line is the café owner asking what you would like.
The second line is you saying what you would like.
The third line is you asking for the bill. (Remember that 's.v.p.' stands for 's'il vous plaît' which means 'please')
If you practise it out loud, it could sound like a rap, as each line ends with the sound 'ay'.
Once you are happy with how it sounds, you could add 'Bonjour', 'Merci' and 'Au revoir' to make it a proper conversation.
I haven't forgotten to tell you how to say 'ice cream' in French! That is for next week.
French for Year 2 (1st July)
Can you find the French names for 9 fruits in this wordsearch? Copy the words carefully into the spaces at the bottom of the sheet.
Can you write in French the number of fruits and the name of the fruit? The first one is done for you - see how they have written 'trois' and not '3'. You will need to remember to put an 's' at the end as they have done in 'poires'.
By the way, the French for a grape is 'un raisin'.
French for Year 2 (24th June)
Today we are starting a new topic: Les fruits et les légumes (Fruit and vegetables)
Can you copy the French words next to the right picture? Copy the words carefully! Try to learn the words by covering up the English half of the list and then the French half of the list.
Here are two French cartoons about fruit. They will definitely help you to say which fruits you like.
YouTube Apprendre les fruits
YouTube song J'aime les fruits
French for Year 2 (17th June)
This song goes to the tune of Jingle Bells. Can you sing it?
Can you say: Which two kinds of animals the singer likes?
Which animals he/she dislikes?
Which animals he/she loves?
Which animals he/she prefers?
French for Year 2 (10th June)
Here is a list of animals in the plural (more than one). Most of them end in 's' but that 's' is silent. The ones in red do not add an 's' but an 'x'. Can you see also that the word for 'the' is in the plural too, and is 'les' which is pronounced 'lay'? Can you work out what these animals are called in English? Remember they are in the plural e.g. cats (with an 's')
Have a look at the worksheet. If there is a smiley face, you start your sentence with <J'aime>. If there is a sad face, you start your sentence with <Je n'aime pas>. Look at the list of plurals and copy the right word to complete your sentences.
At the end of the worksheet, you can choose what to write!
French for Year 2 (4th June)
Can you fill in the missing French word in each speech bubble to help these children tell you what pet they have? (Can you tell the difference between a mouse and a rat?) You could practise reading your sentences out loud, using different voices for each child!
You may know the numbers up to 31 (trente et un). Using the little chart, can you go beyond 31 and write in French the numbers shown?
French for Year 2 (27th May)
Here is something fun to look at, as this is Half Term week.
In this Powerpoint, you will see that the more slides you look at, the more you will find out about each animal.
French for Year 2 (20th May)
Why not have a go at this wordsearch on animals? (Not sure why the title says Crossword'!)
Do watch this clip from YouTube, featuring two animals. The pictures on the song sheet will help you to understand the story
YouTube sing Un grand cerf
Can you sing along with it?
French for Year 2 (13th May)
Can you fill in the English answers on this worksheet? (All the animals are in the picture but you might have to find out the French for some of them as they were not all on previous worksheets) Be careful with your English spelling as some words are quite tricky, like 'cockerel' (Oops, I've give away one of the answers!)
Can you then sing along with the French children in their version of Old MacDonald?
Le Vieux MacDonald
French for Year 2 (6th May)
Can you fill in the missing letters on this worksheet? (You might have to find out the French for some of them as they were not all on our first animal worksheet) Can you then write the whole French word out again?
French for Year 2 (29th April)
Can you say the question 'Tu as un animal?' and then answer the question using the animal vocabulary from last week? For example: 'Oui, j'ai un cheval'.
Can you say the answer (that you do not have an animal) from the third page?
Why not listen to the song 'Tu as un animal?' on YouTube and sing along? (See French Songs 1 on 16th April)
French for Year 2 (22nd April)
Can you copy the French words next to the right animal? Copy the words carefully! Try to learn the words by covering up the English half of the list and then the French half of the list.
French for Year 2 (1st April)
You could make a French Easter card using the greetings in the attachment below. Copy the words carefully! You could decorate your card with the pictures and the French vocabulary from last week.
French for Year 2 (25th March)
Look at the sheet of Easter vocabulary. Can you work out what each picture is? Can you say the words out loud? Can you remember the words if you cover them up one by one? Can you spell any of the words without looking at the sheet?
Bonne chance!