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Saturn class is a mix of year 5 and year 6 children.


Ms Smith is our class teacher but Mrs Tickle takes us for Forest School sessions and Mrs Griffiths teaches us on Friday mornings. We are also supported by Miss Preston and Mrs King (TAs).


The ethos of our class is to develop confident and independent individuals who are ready to tackle the challenges of school life and be active citizens in the wider world. Through high expectations and adaptive teaching to meet individual needs, we nurture personal and academic progress for children.


On this page, you can find updates about our learning and special activities that we take part in.

Saturn class 2024.2025

Spring Term

Week ending 14/02/25


In maths, the children have continued to work with decimals, specifically adding and subtracting decimal numbers with different amounts of decimal places, as well as multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000. 


In English, the children are enjoying our graphic novel. They wrote letters this week in role as the main character and have spent time editing them with their peers. They will have to wait until after half term to discover the name of the book!


For Safer Internet Day, Saturn Class learnt about scams and phishing. The activities the children completed can be viewed on the tab on this page.


Our science investigations into levers are complete! The children have drawn graphs to show their results and have analysed their findings. They have unanimously determined that the load is easier to lift when it is positioned closer to the fulcrum.


In our art lesson this week, the children have been continuing to respond to the work of impressionists. They have produced some beautiful and thoughtful work, which we hope will give them inspiration for their own art.

Week ending 07/02/25


Saturn Class really enjoyed hearing the end of Floodland, although they were shocked by some of the events of the story. To finish our work on this book, the children wrote a set of instructions, detailing how to survive on Eels Island. They are now looking forward to finding out more about graphic novels, which is what our English work will be focusing on for the next few weeks.


In maths, we have been continuing to work with decimal numbers, which has included rounding them to different decimal places and adding and subtracting them. The work the children have completed has helped them to consolidate their place value knowledge.


Our topic work this week was all about rivers. We learnt about the three courses of rivers and the features that we would expect to see in each part. The children labelled a diagram to reinforce their learning of so much new vocabulary.


On Wednesday, the children completed the practical aspects of their science investigations into the effects of levers on the force required to lift an object. Some of the groups chose to explore whether the position of the fulcrum affected the amount to weight required to lift the abject, whilst others changed the position of the object on the lever. Next week, the children will be writing up their findings and presenting their results in a graph. 


In PSHE, the class read 'The British' by Benjamin Zephaniah, before writing their own recipe poems to show the diversity in our class.  

Week ending 31/01/25


In maths, the children have very successfully been comparing and ordering numbers to three decimal places. They've been finding midpoints between decimal numbers and positioning decimal numbers onto number lines.


Continuing with the text of 'Floodland', we have been exploring the relationship between Zoe and Dooby, and have been considering the emotions, actions and thoughts of the characters in order to characterise speech.


The children have begun to explore the concepts of gender identity and stereotyping in their PSHE lesson this week. Stories have been used to inspire their reflections and discussions.


Next Monday afternoon, Saturn class will be conducting an investigating into the amount of force required to lift a weight when using a lever. They spent their science lesson this week exploring the mechanisms of levers and where we might use them in our everyday lives, before planning their investigation.


Impressionism is the focus of our art lessons this term. This week, the children have been responding to the artwork of impressionists. In the coming weeks, they will be exploring brushstrokes and painting techniques before creating their own painting in the same style.

Week ending 24/01/25


In maths, the children have continued to work with fractions, specifically dividing fractions by integers and findings fractions of amounts.


In our English lessons, they have written a diary entry in role as Zoe, reflecting on the day she lost her parents. They then checked their writing carefully for comma splices.


In topic, the children explored rivers of the UK, including identifying where the sources and mouths are, and the towns and cities that they pass through.


Year 6 had an amazing time at the Young Voices concert at the O2 on Thursday. It was a long day but they coped well and all behaved impeccably. We're very proud of how they represented our school.



Week ending 17/01/25


In maths this week, we have been multiplying unit fractions, non-unit fractions and mixed numbers by whole numbers as well as with other fractions.


In English, we have been reading more of 'Floodland' by Marcus Sedgwick. The children have been finding out about the setting of the story and have been analysing the actions of the main character, Zoe.


In science, the children have been exploring ways to separate different mixtures and have observed demonstrations of reversible and irreversible changes.


In topic, mapwork has been the focus of the week. The children have explored Ordnance Survey maps and used 4 and 6-figure grid references. 

Week ending 10/01/25


In maths, we've recapped compact methods for long multiplication and division and have revisited multi-step problems. We've started our new text for our English lessons, though the name of it is still a mystery to the children! In our first topic lesson of the year, the children labelled the counties of England and used Bing maps to explore local settlements. 


Year six booster sessions will start next week and the year six children also have a couple of afternoon Young Voices rehearsals to come, in preparation for the trip to the O2. 

Autumn Term

Week ending 20/12/24


We've had a lovely week of science investigations, sewing, printing and Christmas themed maths activities. 

Week ending 13/12/24


We've had a very creative week in Saturn. The children have explored a range of printing techniques, including linocut, collagraph, impressed prints and screen printing. This is in preparation for next week when they will create their own print designs. They have also begun their final D&T 'Make Do & Mend' projects. 


In maths, we have been subtracting fractions, which has included breaking whole numbers and converting mixed numbers to improper fractions. 


We finished learning about the Blitz this week. Next week, the children will be researching the end of the war and presenting their findings. 

Week ending 06/12/24


In English, the children have been writing narratives about William's first day of school in Little Weirwold, using flashbacks as a plot device to reveal a prior school experience.


In maths, we have been adding fractions and mixed numbers. The children have had to use their knowledge of multiples to find common denominators and have applied their understanding of factors to ensure that their answers are presented in their simplest forms. 


On Tuesday, Saturn class started to explore the concept of dissolving. They mixed different solids in to water, to test whether they dissolved. Next lesson, they will be planning their own experiments to investigate the impact of different factors, such as water temperature.

Week ending 29/11/24


The children worked really hard last week for assessment week - they impressed me with their attitude and resilience.


In our English lessons this week, we have been exploring flashbacks in narrative. Next week, the children will be writing their own flashbacks using Goodnight Mister Tom as a stimulus.


In maths, the children have been finding equivalent fractions, including simplifying fractions and converting improper fractions to mixed numbers.


The children have been finalising their 'Make do & mend' designs, so there'll be lots of sewing happening in the last few weeks of term.

Week ending 15/11/24


In maths, over the past two weeks, we have been diving into multiplication and division. The children have explored factors, multiples, squared and cubed numbers, mental methods and formal written methods. Many of the children are now proficient in using compact column method for multiplication, as well as chunking for long division. 


In English, we have been continuing with our book: Goodnight Mister Tom. We have been using the story to inspire our writing, which has included a letter and a diary entry. 


We had a wonderful trip to IWM Duxford on Tuesday. The children had a great time and behaved impeccably.


The children have been developing their sewing skills in DT, ready for their 'Make do & mend' projects. So far, we've practised running stitch, back stitch and over stitch. Next, we'll be reminding ourselves of how to cross stitch before sewing on a button. 

Week ending 18/10/24


This week in Saturn, we finished our work on World War One, which culminated in the creation of a non-chronological text for exciting writing. In maths, the children explored multiples, common multiples and factors of numbers, including identifying prime numbers. In English, we've begun to think about our class text: Goodnight Mister Tom. Although we've not yet read any, we've explored the theme of evacuation, including taking part in small group debates. 


Following weeks of preparation, the children were finally ready to conduct their science experiments. The whole class demonstrated how responsible they are whilst working sensibly with the hot water. Next week, we will be producing line graphs to present our results and will be analysing our findings.


On Friday, the children really got stuck in to their rugby lesson with Mrs Griffiths, and were not perturbed by getting wet - PE kits will be being sent home for washing! Mrs Griffiths was very complementary about the attitude and behaviour of the whole class. 

Week ending 11/10/24


What an amazing week we've had in Saturn!


Bikeability dominated the week. The children listened carefully and behaved responsibly, following instructions to keep themselves and each other safe. The instructors showered them with praise and ensured the adults in school were aware of how amazing the children were, who, in turn, showered them with house points. Those who were unable to participate spent time each day completing tasks for teachers, including making creative resources and supporting Jupiter in a bread making lesson - they were also showered with house points for doing such incredible work. I hope Mrs Whiting realises that it's not just me being over-generous with the house points - the children have truly earnt them.


In celebration assembly on Thursday, all children in Saturn Class received their badges for their roles of responsibility. The children are wearing them with pride and we know that they'll continue to be amazing and make a positive impact to the wider school. 


In other news: the focus in maths has continued to be addition and subtraction, specifically understanding inverse operations and how these can be used to solve problems, including multi-step worded problems. In English, we have been working to identify independent clauses within unpunctuated paragraphs, and, next week, will be focusing on joining clauses using conjunctions. 

Week ending 04/10/24


In maths, the whole class has been impressing me with their proficiency with column addition and subtraction, whilst our English lessons have focused on identifying independent clauses and creating single clause sentences. 


On Wednesday, Year 5 enjoyed their Faith Tour trip to Bedford - they spoke of how interesting it was to see different places of worship first-hand. The year 6 children spent the day focusing on arithmetic, spellings with prefixes and SAT style reading comprehension questions before supporting Mars class in their PE lesson. 


House points have been given in abundance this week by staff across the school as they are all so impressed by Saturn class's behaviour, compassion and the levels of responsibility that they show. 

Week ending 27/09/24


This week in maths, Saturn class have continued to practise rounding numbers and have completed work on negative numbers including crossing zero. Next week, they will be moving on to mental and written methods for addition and subtraction - I already know that they will do brilliantly!


Our grammar work in English has focused on verbs: regular and irregular action verbs, verb phrases and phrasal verbs. The children have also written their persuasive letters (applying for roles of responsibility) out in their best handwriting, ready to hand-deliver to Mrs Whiting on Monday. The Year 6 children also recorded their house captain speeches which have been edited together and shared with the teachers ready for the rest of the school to vote on next week - the Year 6s are on tenterhooks!


On Monday afternoon, Saturn class used recorders to accompany 'Happy' by Pharrell Williams. They practised playing notes G, A and B before having a go with the backing track at 50% tempo. Next week, we plan to build up to 100% tempo - wish us luck!


For European Day of Languages, Saturn class learnt 'Quelle est la date de ton anniversaire?' - it caused flashbacks to secondary school French lessons for some of the adults in the room! The children found it tricky to remember the order of the months but overall did an excellent job.


In science, the children have begun to plan investigations to find out which insulators are best for keeping hot drinks warm. We'll let you know our findings in due course.

Week ending 20/09/24


The children had fun in English this week, spotting different types of nouns in nonsense poetry and completing actions for each type. They also took it in turns to add noun types to a simple structure, ending up with ridiculous stories. Here are a couple of them:


John Cena, who was an actor, met Bob the Builder, who was a wrestler, at Wrestle Mania school, on the Sun, where they played Fortnite together and ate a block of cheese. Because they met, everyone became depressed.


Messi, who was a basketballer, met Beyonce, who was a policeperson, in the butchers in Cambridge, where they danced with a herd of cows and ate a piece of squid. Because they met, aliens launched an invasion of Earth.


The Saturn children have been writing their letters to Mrs Whiting (using persuasive features), applying for roles of responsibility in the school - we'll soon have a whole host of librarians, artists in residence, digital leaders and science ambassadors. The Year six children have also been writing their speeches to deliver to the younger children in school, in the hopes of being voted in as house captains.


In maths, we focused on rounding whole numbers - everyone demonstrated an excellent grasp of this. One of the Year six mathematicians even took over as the teacher for a few minutes, sharing his knowledge with the class. Next week, we are moving on to working with negative numbers.


In Forest School, the children have been helping to tidy up our outdoor areas. Music was almost as active, with the children moving to the beat, clapping complex rhythms and enjoying the songs that we have been appraising. Next lesson, we'll be making use of recorders!


The focus of our topic lesson was exploring some of the reasons associated with the start of WWI. Next week, the children will be considering which of the causes they feel is most important and will be explaining their reasoning. 

Week ending 13/09/24


The children in Saturn class have had an excellent start to the school year. 


In maths, the Year Fives have been consolidating their knowledge of place value - they've ordered and compared numbers, and completed reasoning and problem-solving activities together. The Year six children completed their baseline assessments. Their attitudes to the assessments were fantastic and they used their time well. 


Our English lessons have focused on punctuation and grammar and we will be spending the next few weeks revisiting the basics before moving on to work based around the text 'Goodnight Mr Tom'. This week, we found out more about nouns and the children worked together to unscramble examples of collective and partitive nouns. 


The children were introduced to our topic for this term, and began by finding out about the countries who fought in WWI. They also recalled previous learning relating to properties of materials, ready for our science lessons.
