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Welcome to Jupiter Class!

Jupiter class is a mixed class of Year 3 and Year 4 children.

Our teacher is Miss Smith, Mrs Tickle is our teaching assistant.

The ethos of our class is to develop inquisitive, confident and independent learners who are willing to try their best and find success in their everyday learning. Every child is unique and we aim to tailor lessons to the individual needs of the children.


On this page you can find updates about our learning and any special adventures we have been on. We hope you enjoy reading about our learning journey!

Jupiter Class Updates 2024.2025

Spring Term

W.C 20th January:

This week in Maths we have been focusing on dividing. We started the week by exploring different methods to divide up to a 3 digit number. We then moved onto flexible partitioning and ended the week with dividing with remainders. The children worked amazingly hard within our maths lessons this week as division is a difficult unit of work! In English we created our own diary entry describing the setting from the story Stone Age Boy. The children then gave each other feedback on their writing and then used this feedback to edit their writing. In Exciting Writing the children wrote a biography about Neil Armstrong. Then on Thursday we spent the afternoon watching a live lesson where the children had to play the role of aspiring space engineers and scientists and explored an Earth observation mission. The year 4s had a Science lesson all about hazards with electricity. We spoke about how to stay safe around electricity. In Topic we baked and tasted Bronze Age cookies. Finally, we ended our week with a gymnastics session with Mrs Griffiths and a forest school session with Mrs Tickle. Have a good weekend! 

W.C 13th January:

This week in Maths we have looked at scaling and correspondence problems and discussed how best to approach these. Then we ended the week with learning the grid method to multiply up to 3-digit numbers by a 1-digit number. The children worked so hard with this method and persevered! In English we introduced our new text 'Stone Age Boy'. We spent time predicting using the front cover and then moved onto retelling the story. We ended the week by creating descriptive sentences describing either the forest or cave from Stone Age Boy. In Topic we described some ways in which life changed from the Stone Age to the Bronze Age and made comparisons. In RE we explored the story of St George and discussed why he was made a saint. In DT we gained an understanding of weaving and woven products. We then created a whole class design criteria based on our understanding and considering the purpose.  Within our Science lessons the year 3s explained how some forces require contact and some do not, giving examples. The year 4s identified common appliances that run on electricity. Then we ended the week with our PE session with Mrs Griffiths and a music session with Mrs Tickle. Have a lovely weekend! 

W.C 6th January 2025:

A very cold start to the new term! In Maths we have using our knowledge of multiplication to look at factor pairs and multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100. In English we spent time working on turning adjectives into adverb and the spelling rules that come with this. We introduced our new units of work in Science and completed our KWHL grids. We spent time on our new Topic- Stone Age to Iron Age. We looked at timelines and discussed what life was like during the Stone Age. We also created our own survival kit and discussed how these items would help us survive in the Stone Age. In Art we introduced our new unit of work focused on drawing and colour. We explored a variety of prehistoric art and we responded to this using colour. Finally we ended the week with a gymnastic session Mrs Griffiths, a RE lesson with Mrs Whiting focused on saints and finally an art session with Miss Kelly and Mars Class. Hope you all have the best weekend. 

Autumn Term

WB 16th December:

We started the week off with the amazing Rocksteady concert! Then in English we wrote our own story in the style of Gorilla by Anthony Browne. We completed some Christmas Maths tasks linked with our multiplication knowledge. In RE we finished our unit and answered the enquiry question 'Who is Jesus?' and wrote about what we have learnt. On Tuesday we had a DT day where we baked our bread using our own recipes and then tasted and evaluated them. In art, we finished our unit on art through technology. Using the brilliant art homework, we created our own stop motion videos using our own artwork. Finally, we ended our week with Reward Day! We had a brilliant PE session with Mrs Griffiths, completed some Christmas crafts and then ended the day with a Christmas film. Well done to all of Jupiter this term, they have worked incredibly hard. Hope you all have the most relaxing break and see you in 2025! :) 

W.C 9th December:

This week in Maths we have focused on area. We explored what area is, found areas of shapes and compared areas. In English we have continued our work with Anthony Browne and we have created a new character to replace The Gorilla. In Topic we recognised the importance of Hadrian's Wall to the Romans and learnt about the lives of soldiers who lived there. In Science, the year 4s finished off their water cycle discussions and the year 3s finished their light experiment focused on shadows. We had an exciting assembly with GenR8 and our Christingle. Finally, on Thursday we had our Bikeability session. We learnt how to do a bike safety check and completed different activities to improve our biking skills. The children showed brilliant resilience and focus during the session. 

W.C 21st October:

This week in Jupiter, we have finished our work on Arthur and the Golden Rope in English. We wrote a list poem of impossible things and we listened to the end of the story, comparing the real ending to our own writing.  In Maths, we have continued to work on adding and subtracting. We learned about compliments to 1,000 and 10,000 before estimating answers. In Science, Year 4 wrote their conclusion to the egg experiment and Year 3 looked at how muscles work in the body. In Art, we spent time exploring different apps creating our own stop motion animations. In Topic, we spent time designing and creating our own Roman mosaics and we created our own Roman coins using clay, which we will be finishing after half term. 

W.C 14th October:
This week in Maths we have been continuing with our focus on column addition. The children have worked so hard with it this week and has shown brilliant progress! In English, we have been planning and writing our own ending to Arthur and the Golden Rope. In Topic we learnt all about Roman Gods and Goddesses and spoke about the similarities and differences between them and the Greek Gods and Goddesses. The year 4s have learnt all about towns and places within towns in French. In Science, the year 4s planned and set up their own investigations based on tooth decay. We will be observing these up until the end of next week. We had our lovely Harvest festival Thursday afternoon. We also had a special visitor this week from the Cambridgeshire Waste Management team. Mr Crisp came in to discuss recycling and we took part in a quiz and an activity where we had to discuss what items could be put in which bin. Finally, we ended the session with making our own bird feeders.

W.C 7th October:

This week in Maths we have been starting to practice using column method to add and subtract. We have been finding this a little bit tricky so we are going to continue this next week. In English we have been looking at famous Norse myths and we used a story map to rewrite the story of Freya's Wonderful Necklace and we practiced punctuating speech perfectly. In Art, we explored surrealism through photography. We looked at different camera angles and then used these to create surrealism inspired photos. In Science the year 3s looked at understanding the functions of different muscles and joints. In Topic, we designed our own Roman coins which we will be creating soon. In DT, we followed a simple recipe and made our own Roman bread. We also tried a few ingredients to see what we would like to add to our final recipe. Finally, in Music we practiced our Harvest songs and then we learnt to play the recorder to the tune of hot cross buns. Have a lovely weekend

W.C 30th September:

This week in Maths we have been ordering and comparing numbers up to 1000 and rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000. In English we have started reading our story Arthur and the Golden Rope. We spent time co-writing poems on the theme of books and then we inferred meaning about the main character based on an illustration. We spent time discussing physical and internal characteristics of Arthur and then created a role on the wall for him. In Topic we looked at Roman numerals and consolidated our understanding with a variety of activities. In Art we explored a selection of Surrealism artists including Dorothea Tanning and Salvador Dali to name a few. We looked at their artwork and then recreated them. In Science the Year 3s became familiar with the human skeleton whilst the year 4s explored the structure of teeth and spoke about how we can keep our teeth healthy. In the middle of the week they had a wonderful time on our 'Faith Tour'. They visited a mosque, gurdwara and church as part of their visit and got to learn lots about the places of worship. I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

W.C 16th September:

Another busy week in Jupiter class. In Maths we have been focusing on partitioning numbers up to 1000 and then moved onto flexible partitioning using dienes as support. In English, we have focused on verbs.  We spoke about what a being verb is and then moved onto regular and irregular action verbs and verb phrases. In Topic we listened to a few versions of the story of Romulus and Remus. We then retold the story and acted it out. In Science the year 3s discussed what contributes to a balanced diet and we created our own Eatwell Plate. The year 4s discussed and identified the types of human teeth and we spoke about the function of different types of teeth.  In PSHE, we had our first lesson in our unit focused on emotions. We spoke about what mental health is and why it is equally as important to discuss as physical health. We created positive and helpful posters which could support people when they are struggling with their mental health. In DT we had our first lesson focused on Roman food. We spoke about and then researched what the most popular Roman dishes were and then made comparisons between modern bread and ancient Roman bread. In PE, the focus was on throwing, catching and passing using teamwork. In Music, we learnt how to use energy in singing and then using instruments to support us in singing. Finally, we ended the week with Forest School where the children focused on citizenship and looking after our environment. 

W.C 9th September:

What a busy first full week in Jupiter Class! In Maths we have been solidifying our understanding of 1000s. We have been partitioning, representing and counting in 1000s. In English we have been focusing on nouns. We have spent time exploring and understanding the difference between common, proper, partitive and collective nouns. In Exciting Writing, we designed our own brand new chocolate bars or sweets and wrote a persuasive advert to sell them. In Science, the year 3s learnt about the five different food groups and spoke about how food can provide energy and nutrition. The year 4s focused on food chains. We spoke about producers, predators and prey. In PSHE we had a brilliant discussion about what makes a good friend. We spoke about what we would like our friends to do and how we would like them to act. In Art we started our new unit of work focused on Surrealism. We learnt that Surrealism is

a type of art that looks like it's from a dream. It's full of surprising, strange, and sometimes funny things that don’t usually go together in real life.

We also learnt about automatism, which is art that is made without planning ahead or thinking about it, even while you are doing it. We then created our own sketches based on this. Finally, we ended the week with a music lesson where we explored different genres of music and notations and a PE session with Mrs Griffiths and Saturn class.  Hope you all have a lovely weekend. 


W.C 2nd September:

We had a brilliant start to term but immersing ourselves in our new topic The Romans and completing some research before our Roman Day. Then we had the most amazing day over at KPA for our Roman Day. We spent the morning completing different activities such as making our own mosaic, creating our own perfume bag to make us smelly Romans smell a bit better and also our own clay charms (just to name a few!) Then this afternoon we split into groups to take part in role play. We had 5 groups, Roman Soldiers, Dancing, The Boy Who Cried Wolf, Romulus and Remus and The Hare and Tortoise. We then showed our performances.

