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In Jupiter class we would like children to:


  • Read at least four times a week at home, for about an hour a week.  This needs to be recorded in their reading records, either by an adult or the child.  Star reading quizzes will be completed in school each half term – to determine the level of books being read. 


  • Weekly spellings will complement learning in class; these will be checked in school before new spellings are set. 


  • Maths homework will be set through Maths Whizz.  Our expectation is that children will complete 60 minutes per week and gain 4 progressions in that time.  Our monitoring of this will be per calendar week (Monday to Sunday).  Work completed using this program will be checked by class teachers and the top three progressions per year group will be celebrated in celebration assembly.


  • Homework books - this could be flip learning, research or consolidation of any foundation subject and will usually be set each fortnight.


  • For some half terms we will set a project that should be completed over a number of weeks.  This will go alongside reading, spellings and Maths Whizz tasks.




Thursday 3rd November 

Homework due: Tuesday 15th November 

Thursday 6th October 

Homework due: Tuesday 18th October 

Thursday 22nd September 

Homework due: Tuesday 4th October
