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Week Commencing 10th February 2020

Week Commencing 10th February 2020


We have had a very busy week to finish our half-term! This week we celebrated Safer Internet Day by exploring what it means to have our ‘identity’ online. To begin the children looked at lots of different images that they associate with being online and filled an Ipad template with all the things they like to do online. These included the YouTube, CBeebies, Gmail, Facetime, iMessage, Google, Espresso and Teach Your Monster to Read icons. After this the children used red and green dot stickers to show which things were safe to use, and which ones they shouldn’t share their identity on. This led to some excellent (age appropriate) discussions. We also explored online profiles and discussed not sharing sensitive information such as our name, age, address or contact information.


In Maths this week we had lots of fun collecting data and representing it in a unique way. Glyphs are a fun and colourful way for children to collect, explore and sort data about themselves and their classmates using a range of themes. A glyph is a pictorial representation of data, and can be created using drawings, collage or digital artworks. The children used the information sheet (see below) to collect their data and represent it by making their monster. 


To finish our unit on Judaism we made some different Jewish foods in DT. We used a Jewish festival cookbook to explore different recipes before deciding which ones to create. We make Matzah bread, cheesecake and apple and honey cakes. Before baking we discussed the importance of washing our hands and wearing aprons to make sure our food preparation was hygienic. The children explore measuring out the ingredients and worked together to combine the ingredients. Once everything was baked the children helped to tidy up the kitchen before heading back to the classroom to taste what we had made!
